A Lot Of The Hulk Criticisms Don't Make Sense

I was rewatching The Incredible Hulk, it's a very fun movie that was amazing, I always loved watching videos on YouTube of the Hulk vs Abomination and the score for the film is amazing.

But as I realize the reactions to the Hulk, it's interesting because I realize that everything has been a complaint about the MCU Hulk through the comment section. So I wanted to list things or criticisms that just don't make sense.

"The 2008 Hulk would beat Thanos" - This comment is so stupid and doesn't make sense, Thanos was a intergalactic warlord who spent hundreds of years fighting and conquering, 2008 Hulk is not gonna beat that guy at all.

"Professor Hulk Sucks" - I never understood the complaints for Professor Hulk, he is the perfect answer for all of Bruce's problems. Bruce has spent his life, running, feeling like a monster, feeling like he didn't belong in the world but Professor Hulk allows him to not feel like that. A Hulk with Banner's Intelligence is perfect, and also people forget that he literally saved the universe and brought everybody back from the dead. Why do people forget that.

These are the only two but there are many criticisms that just don't work. It's a big problem that permeates the MCU Fandom, it doesn't make any sense about all these complaints because they're not true at all. Just made-up stuff just because you think the MCU is PG or something.