For state election coverage, check out the Pre-2023 State Elections megathread !

Hey all, it's the day before Reddit Inc. kills all third-party apps. They're still mostly being evil. Thought we should share an update on our previous post .

tl;dr: We ran a blackout, recruited new mods, and discovered is better than expected – would love your help building this into a cosy home!

Shorter-term measures
  • Meme week: That was "fun". Thanks for all the "high quality" posts.
  • Recruiting moderators: We're happy to welcome u/unhedged to the r/my mod team , and @Annoyed_Crabby and @Naomikho to the admin team! Thanks so much for stepping up and helping out.
The boats, aka

(Quick refresher: is the backup plan / migration path for our community in case things keep going downhill. For now, we hope to build this into a sister site that can thrive independently of Reddit Inc., like our Discord, or Lowyat)

We're almost two weeks in, and the experiment has been pretty successful so far!

  1. We've proven that our community can definitely set up shop there! Hundreds of users have switched over very smoothly, and made hundreds of posts and thousands of comments.
  2. Lemmy is still a bit clunky, but it's improving fast, and is already very promising. With our own "subreddits", we can now support a huge depth of local interest communities. Weeb stuff, 24/7 memes, food, Malaysian ghost stories, Chinese news, etc.
  3. What this means: We have built the boats. If reddit dies, either suddenly or gradually over years, we won’t lose the community we’ve created together. Before reddit there were lots of cosy forums across the internet: in the worst case, we can be one of them.
What happens next

We're holding off on further blackouts, unless we hear otherwise from the community. Instead, our project will be to keep growing our new outpost until it can self-sustain. To this end, we'll be looking for ways to make a sustainable, valuable complement to r/malaysia, and inviting users to jump in and participate!

Ways you can help
  • Join in!: We'd love if you could create an account and explore! It's pretty easy and doesn't need an email (quick guide just in case). And if you don’t see a community for your interests, Malaysian or otherwise, please consider creating it and making a couple of posts! (We can help mod if needed)
  • Help bootstrap: We plan to start featuring communities for all kinds of content we couldn't offer before. Food reviews, meetup groups, relationship advice, students, bargain hunting, job boards, classifieds, personal ads, local artists, language specific community, you name it. Help us bootstrap by sharing relevant content!
  • Technical aid: We’re quite short on technical hands at the moment. Could really use some sysadmin / full-stack support!
  • Share input: It’d be great to hear your feedback on the plan, or any ideas you might have: for fun communities, stuff we could do, etc.

Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who has created an account so far and jumped in! The site is already so lively and fun because of your efforts. ❤️