I'm a software developer who is looking for some ideas for a new app or website that can solve some of the problems or needs that we face in our country. I know there are already many apps out there, but I'm sure there are still some gaps or opportunities that can be filled or explored.

So I'm asking you, what app/website do you think is missing in Malaysia? What app/website would you love to use or pay for if it existed? What app/website would make your life easier, better, or more fun?

Please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments. I'm really curious to hear what you have to say. Who knows, maybe your idea will inspire me or someone else to create the next big thing!

Wow, I’m astonished by how much attention this post has received! This is the first time I’ve ever gotten so many upvotes and comments on reddit. Thank you all for your amazing ideas and feedback. I really appreciate your input. So many apps we Malaysians miss indeed.

Of course, I can’t implement all of your suggestions, but I will definitely consider them and see what is feasible and viable. Please, if you have more ideas, post them here. Who knows other developers will see and build them. We have many developers lurking here lol.

I'll try to reply each idea. Thank you again for your ideas. You guys are awesome! 🙌