Hi all! I’m so happy to see such a kind and supportive community for lynch syndrome, so thank you for being here! I have a few lynch syndrome questions that I hope someone can answer.

My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer about 3 years ago. Shortly after he was diagnosed with lynch syndrome. Part of his colon was removed and he was deemed cancer free. Last week he had a colonoscopy and one of the polyps removed was cancerous. He’s going to see a specialist next week.

In the meantime, my mom has been panicking. She thinks that because he has cancer in his colon, it is spreading to his whole body because cancer cells multiply. She thinks he’s going to die within a year.

I don’t really understand her line of thinking, and I’m not sure that her reasoning is correct. We also haven’t been to the specialist yet.

From my understanding of lynch syndrome, some of your cells don’t have instructions to get rid of damaged cells. And these damaged cells are more likely to build up in your colon, stomach, etc. So doctors give you screenings more often to remove any polyps before it can spread. I understand that it’s a concern his cancer came back, but I don’t think this means, as she thinks, he now has cancer over his whole body. I’m trying to be realistic, and I’m thinking worst case (for the current situation), his entire colon is removed. I understand he has a higher risk of cancer in other areas, but that’s why he would continue to be screened. I know that lynch syndrome and cancer are serious, but I’m not seeing her connection to him dying within a year.

Can anyone further explain so of this or let me know if my mom’s reasoning is correct?

Also, I was tested for lynch syndrome, and thankfully, I am negative for it. I am beyond happy to know that I don’t have it and can’t pass it to future children.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you who have lynch syndrome or are caring for a loved one with it ❤️

Edit: his first cancer was stage one and treated without chemotherapy.