For those who did everything our parents told us to do... now what?

r/lostgeneration374.5K subscribers16 active
Updates to rule 5

Due to the rising number of comments trying to circumvent the ban on support for genocidal candidates, we have decided to update the rule to explicitly forbid "lesser evilism" as it pertains to the genocidal democratic and republican parties in the United States. The rule now states:

Posts or comments supporting or justifying genocide or genocidal policies coming from any country, organization, politician, or political party will not be tolerated and will likely result in a ban. This includes policies coming from liberal politicians and political parties such as the Democrats in the US, especially regarding their responses to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. "Lesser evil" rhetoric regarding democrats, republicans, and other genocidal parties are also banned under this rule.

To be clear, this rhetoric was already covered under the rule previously, which banned support for genocidal people and organizations including political parties. The change of language was made with the intention of reducing the amount of people making such comments in the first place, and thus preventing threads from being overloaded with them.

Edit: I've added one more language change, this time to explicitly state that lesser evilism regarding any genocidal party violates this rule.

Pinnedby theriddleoftheworldModerator
My friend owes me $100.

But he could not pay me this week. So I told him I want $120.

He got pissed at me. "If I can't pay you $100, what makes you think I could pay you $120?" I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away.

Next week, he tries to pay me $100, but I told him he owes me $120, but he didn't have that. So now he owes me $150.

This makes no sense right? If you can't pay $100, and you get charged a fee of say $30, now you owe $130.

But if you are wealthy, $100 is nothing. The wealthy rarely pay late fees, overdraft fees, etc.

It's taking advantage of the poor. That's all their is to it. Asking people who can't afford to repay $100 even more money defies all logic. It entraps them in a never ending cycle, to ensure a constant separation in class. To make it that much harder to become well off.

This is all by design. The rich LOATHE the poor.

Lost Gen's first remote hustle in Argentina.

Greetings, fellow Lost Gen peeps! I've done everything my parents asked during my formative years, even went as far as becoming a flag bearer graduating High School at the same time as finishing an intensive English course.

Now in times like these I'm trying to find my first remote gig to help out at home while juggling three classes (PC, Cellphone repair and an Auxiliary.)
Looking for a way to make some extra money from home.
(Seriously, our currency has been worth less than Monopoly money for a long time already, so it would be great help).

I'm a 24-year-old Argentinian native speaker with an English diploma and some decent
tech-savviness as the works I've done as favors as our home's own "IT" where even family's friends came to me for repairs, or something random, once even had to find a cybercafe with a disk reader to configure a NEON SIGN which I did, and for free too because it's my personal policy to charge for these things.

I'm open to anything from customer service to virtual assistant work - any advice or leads would be greatly appreciated! Like where to look for, and what to have in mind to be prepared, again, open for anything!

My availability is flexible outside of classes (Saturdays mornings and Wednesdays 6-8 PM). Thanks in advance!