I hate the whole "Gaza voted for Hamas in 2006" justification for collective responsibility of all Palestinians so I'm not trying to apply it here just point out a double standard.

Israel has its own share of leaders that committed massacres; and I don't mean 'collateral damage' during wars but literal massacres. I could make this argument this argument for Begin (Deir Yasin), Shamir (King David bombing) or Bennet (Qana massacre) but I'll stick to Sharon since he was responsible for a massacre that likely killed thousands (although Israel claim it was only 800) as well as the fact he is considered responsible for another massacre decades prior (Qibya).

If you don't know the backstory:

Ariel Sharon allowed a Phalangist militia to enter Palestinian refugee camps (that the PLO had evacuated from after a guarantee from the US they would be protected) in Lebanon despite knowing the militia's history of sadistically murdering and raping civilians. As expected, the militia went through the refugee camps killing unarmed civilians (likely a majority of victims were women and children) and there were multiple instances of rape. Israel determined that there were 800 victims but some reports are as high as 3,500.

Israeli soldiers were stationed in and around the refugee camps. There were reports and testimonies suggesting that some Israeli soldiers were aware of the atrocities taking place in Sabra and Shatila as the massacre unfolded. Obviously Sharon denied he knew what was going on while it was occuring.

Sharon was forced to resign as Minister of Defence after the Israeli-led Kahan Commission found that he was responsible for the massacre. He didn't get criminally convincted for the massacre but that's no surprise considering that low-level Israeli soldiers hardly face any prosecution (and if so very light prosecution) for killing Palestinians.

I just find it insanely hypocritical that Israelis get so enraged by Palestinians for 'voting in Hamas' and 'supporting terror' while they literally voted for a man that was deeemed responsible (by their own legal system) for a massacre that was similar to October 7 in terms of its barbarity and sadism.