Only signup for streaming services 1 month at a time and cancel it right away, not on a subscription. You save money in the gaps between 1 month signups, and when you inevitably don’t use one streaming service for over a month at a time.

It’s super easy, even if your acc is on your TV. Just download the phone apps for all of them and have your card saved on the app/phone. It takes 1 minute to restart a subscription on your phone and then immediately cancel it! It also doesn’t require keeping up on something or setting reminders. You sit down to watch Crave, you see your subscription expired, just whip out your phone and restart it then start watching, and enjoy knowing you saved money between now and when your subscription expired X days or weeks ago.

This can save you a lot of money if you’re like me and find a show you like, watch it for a few weeks, then find another show on another platform.

Edit: Yes, I’m aware pirating exists, you don’t need to tell me you just pirate stuff lol