Someone, I assuming a neighbour of mine, has been repeatedly complaining to bylaw about my property in the last 2 months.

First time was about some items they believed qualified as "waste" - one was a wood cabinet my kids used as a lemonade stand last year and "visible" items in our front yard (bags of earth/mulch, plant pots, etc.)

A bylaw officer came to visit, told us that there was really nothing wrong with our yard, but suggested we relocate the offending items to the back yard until we could use or dispose of them.

We did this immediately.

A few weeks later, we received a registered letter from bylaw, with pictures of our backyard and notice of a complaint about "stuff in our yard".

The original "stuff" had been disposed of, but in the time between, we had trimmed some tree branches and removed a tree house, which remain at the back of our private back yard, as we plan to recycle them this summer.

We own our home, the backyard is fully fenced. Anyone who is being "bothered" by our pile of branches/wood planks would have to actively look over the six foot privacy fence into our yard. It is not visible from the road.

I don't know who is doing the complaining, although I do suspect the neighbour who walks their dog over to my yard to use as a toilet and then directly back to their home.

What is my best course of action here?