So I’ll try and keep it short but I work in home health care roughly three hours a day we use a mobile clock in app, I clock in daily and screen shot it yet every single pay period they claim I am missing clock ins and every single pay period I show them the proof and screenshots that I am not missing anything either way my checks are always about 100$ short.

This pay day my check didn’t arrive in the mail (yes paper check in mail) waited two days still no check I argued with them until they wrote me a new one, they did after I threatened to report them for wage theft for the previous months and now withholding my check. When I got my check it was almost 200$ short! I had missed one day as I was hospitalized but mind you I work 3 hours a day that doesn’t add up at all. They keep arguing that it is correct it is not correct clearly as 3 hours at 12$ an hour does not equal almost 200$

My question is I’m still due to receive a second check in the mail, I was asked to return it to them when it arrives, since they gave me a handwritten one, the woman I work for knows the struggle I’m having with this company and wants to switch to another one. How much trouble would I be in if I quit then hypothetically cashed the second check and blocked them on everything. The amount in this check doesn’t even sort of cover everything they’ve shorted me on over the past 8 months and I can prove it I can also prove I’ve sent them proof of me never missing any of the days they claim I missed then didn’t pay me for.

Edit: Some more maybe helpful information..

With how much they’ve shorted me from the checks monthly we’re looking at roughly 1,600$ that they owe me for not paying me what they were supposed to, this check is only 562$.

I am in Texas.

Edit: Not only do I have all the device pictures (the tool we use to to clock in) with date and time, but I also have screenshots of when I clock in as well as pictures from the app where it registers my clock ins and hours worked & text message conversations where I show them all the information I have and they confirm it is correct.