Are the MIT/Stanford Lectures suitable for beginners ?

Hi Guys. I tried learning probability and statistics from MIT OCW , but is it used just as a reference after learning or are they for for beginners to the topic with prerequisite knowledge. On calculus, there were very few or NIL problems on lectures coupled with just 12 or 14 tough qns on weekly assn and that too, which covers a wide range of topics. Like the basic problems are required for cementing our concepts, right ? I remember when i learned calculus in school, there were many problems to build concepts and the "same" concepts where much easier to learn. For ex. While teaching discrete random variables, 1. they do very few problems or NIL problems on the lecture. 2. The problem sets do not have basic problems. They just have 8 or 9 problems , that too tough ones. Basic problems build conceptual understanding. 3. Like only 2 problems were there from pmf, cdf TOTAL. I feel like that's insufficient for a beginner or am I wrong ? And they didn't even solve a single problem on the lecture. So, how are we supposed to know how to approach solving the problem on the assignments ? Is it just me or are the lectures not for beginners ?