I've been seeing this pick every few games now. How do you stop him from scaling when his entire game is so incredibly safe, with ghost, his ult, and once he's got first item warmog's that as well?

How do you deal with him when he's ahead as well? In multiple recent games it has taken 4+ people to kill him, by which time he's taken a turret (or two). I know he's strong at the moment, but I'm at a loss on how to deal with him (especially when the adc refuses to build bork), as well as not being able to access much max %hp damage yourself (riven).

Despite building full AD, he somehow ends up with 1.5 times my total AD while only building tank items. This probably isn't unfair but it feels it. I've seen him get up to 500 AD by lategame, only building one damage item (bloodmail), at which point he runs at anyone, autos them to death, and wins.

I know this reads as a rant, but I'm genuinely at a loss at what to do.