Basically the title.

My friend has been playing league for YEARS. He has like 12,000 hours in the game. He’s good enough that he was asked to go to college to play on a LOL esports team (that was 5 years ago). At his peak he was high Master maining Zed (also 5 years ago).

As for myself, I’ve only been playing for a few month. Only have 100 hours. I suck, and I really play for fun (as hard as that is in this game)

Well last night I asked for a 1v1. He went Dark Harvest Soraka and I went conqueror Wukong. He ended up going 15-2 with 22k damage. I went 2-15 (obviously) with 12k damage. Now before you guys say “he would smoke you if he was as good as you say.” He definitely went easy on my. He over extended a few times to chase the kill. Obviously this is just for fun, he would never let me actually win a 1v1. Like he was 7-0 with no items. I finally got a kill after I had AD 2 items.

Now for my question. What matchup should I choose for the next 1v1? I can pick his champion and ban 1 item.

I know I can google “cancerous 1v1 matchups” but those don’t really account for this drastic gap in skill level.

I originally chose Wukong due to his ability to get in and out of combat. I really need a champion with mobility like that, or one that has a lot of health and healing. I also SUCK at dodging attacks. He hit me with Sorakas ranged ability like every single time (forgive me I don’t know what it’s called).

Any thoughts on champion picks for me and him, and what item I should ban him from taking? I really want to beat him or at least get him tilted.

Please excuse anything that doesn’t make sense. I’m still new and don’t know all the lingo.