Lawn Bowls: The next big sport

r/lawnbowls300 subscribers4 active
Wearing a cap hat

Does anyone wear a cap hat when playing? If not do you find it distracts you when you're playing? I personally don't find it distracting but I seen Alex Marshall remove his hat before playing his shot and he finds it distracting.

Practicing jack lengths

Does anyone ever practice their Jack lengths? If so is it beneficial? I play lead and generally feel I can play the jack to whatever length I am asked but should maybe spend some time practicing this anyway.

Elevate Your Lawn Bowls Style with Industry-Leading Apparel and Uniforms!

Calling all Lawn Bowls enthusiasts! Get ready to make a statement on and off the rink with premium apparel and uniforms at Premier Bowls Wear!

Experience the ultimate blend of style, comfort, and durability with custom-designed on-rink apparel and casual off-rink wear. Whether you're aiming for that perfect shot or relaxing with friends after a game, these garments are designed to keep you looking and feeling your best.

I recently bought a bunch of bowl wear for my team and I must say that they are committed to offering industry-leading prices without compromising on quality or style. From their meticulous craftsmanship to unbeatable prices, they ensure that every moment on the Lawn Bowls green is a stylish one.

Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your game. Visit the website today to discover the latest collection and step up your Lawn Bowls style game like never before!

Practice drills

Does anyone have any practice drills they wouldn't mind sharing?

Playing with 2 different bowls

Hi guys

I currently play with Aces (mid biast bowl) but play lead for my team. I am wanting to trial playing with Aces for singles games but play with Vectors (narrow biast) when playing for my team.

Does anyone have any advice on whether it's worth playing with 2 different types of bowls? Does it help, does it become confusing?

Taylor Lazers

Hi guys, I used to play with Taylor Lazers before moving to Taylor Aces. The reason for me moving go Taylor Aces is because when reading reviews about the Lazers all I read was how they were not suitable for outdoors and Vector Vs for example were better for outdoors. Can anyone explain why Lazers aren't suited to outdoors?

Markings on a bowl

Hi all. I've just bought this set of bowls and I'm trying to find out what all of the markings mean.

So far I've been able to find out what the World Bowls Board stamp means, but I can't find any information on the "12L 421" part under the size.

Is it something to do with the bias, or the diameter? Google isn't helping me!

Thanks in advance for any information.


Gaelic vocabulary

Hi folks,

I've proposed a bowls event to the local gaelic community. They would come to my bowls club for a game to practice using the gaelic language and hopefully enjoy the game enough to join the club! It should be a good experience... bowls is fun, you can count to fifteen (if you do that many ends) and encourage eachother.

But I'm somewhat new to both interests. Does anyone know the phrases that gaelic speakers would use when playing bowls?

When the bowl is too far to the side, the skip says "too much grass", would that translate to gaelic as "cus feòir"?

Any help would be appreciated.

Bowls Bag or Trolley for Sale

Anyone want to sell your bowls bag or trolley? I'm trying to figure out what/where to purchase one or the other (gift for my mom's 93rd bday!). Thanks in advance for any advice you may have! :)

Size 0000?

Desperately seeking Drakes Pride size 0000 for my fabulous 92 year old mom! She recently started lawn bowling and is quite good at it (and loves playing every day)! Please help, if you can. :)

Funny team names?


We’re competing in a charity lawn bowls competition, and no one on the team is very good. We can’t come up with a good team name. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions!

Dimensions of Lawn Bowling Alley

My club is looking into redoing our bank as our boards are starting to rot. We currently don't have a ditch, so we definitely aren't regulation. Although a ditch would not be in our current project, I want to make sure when a ditch is, our nice new boards aren't in the way.

I've tried searching for overall dimensions (preferably in inches), but I feel I'm getting mixed results.

How do we get more attention to our sport?

I'm not sure about you, but I feel as if out sport is so underrated, and practically unheard of in most parts of the world, particularly Europe and North America. I was wondering whether anybody had any ideas to boost it's popularity, either locally or globally. I was thinking about creating a blog, as you don't find much on the internet about bowls. This might attract much needed younger players, as the average age of a bowler is 55-75.

Need tips to measure bowls..

I find myself quite vulnerable to displace the jack when taking measurements. Any tips to avoid it? I watch some tutorial online and they make it look smooth and easy. Thanks for any advice 🙏🏻

Electric greens mower… got one?

I’m looking for info on using an electric greens mower… What kind do you have and how long does it take to mow a 125’ x125’ green? How long to recharge? Walk-behind is likely all we can afford, but am kinda curious about riding versions too.

Gift ideas for someone who enjoys lawn bowling?


One of my family members has recently picked up lawn bowling and I am interested in gifting them something related to their newfound hobby. I am unfortunately out of state, so my options are limited and rely on the power of the internet. Can you please recommend any item(s) that I can consider gifting them?

Thank you in advance!

How much activity is involved in bowls?

I’m a student working on a physiotherapy case study of a 75yo man who has been unable to participate in his usual bowls team due to ill health. Can anyone advise how much walking/standing/strength/physical activity would be involved in a usual club visit?

I’ve looked at some general information of weight of bowls and size of pitch etc, but some more practical info would be great. It’s useful to be able to make the exercise prescription specific to his goal of getting back to playing on his team. Even knowing how many often he might need to walk the pitch length would be great because I can then say he needs to be able to walk X metres in a given time frame.

Retail equipment source in Glasgow, Scotland?

Can anyone recommend a good shop in the Glasgow area? Just joined a club and need some shoes.
