I'm a non-native English speaker, but I have a C1 language exam. I also have learnt German and have a C1 language exam as well. My NL is Hungarian and now I've been learning Korean at university for a year, minus the summer when there aren't any classes.

No matter what I do, I can't seem to keep up with my courses and barely pass my language classes. Unlike with German and English, when listening to Korean or even attempting to speak Korean, my brain doesn't seem to realise that it's a real language and doesn't pick up on any grammars, only a few words here and there. But when I'm looking at a text-book, I know I know the grammar, but when I try to use it, it just vanishes.

I've tried everything, like watching shows, talking to natives, only conversing in Korean with my classmates, writing a diary, and even paying to take an extra language course, but it's like my brain has decided to completely reject everything.

I'm not sure if the same would happen with another language, I haven't got any time next to university and my exams right now to try, but I've never encountered such a harsh block before with any language, even ones I've lost interest in before.

Does anyone have any idea what I could do to finally get over this block?