Hi! I hope everyone is doing well. I've got a couple of languages I'd really like to learn (Japanese and Russian, with Japanese being the top priority at the moment), but I have an executive function disability. What this means is, I have a disability that affects the executive functioning of my brain. Largely the frontal lobe is affected (though not exclusively), and I have extreme trouble starting, finishing, and switching tasks, as well as maintaining focus. My memory is also affected to an extent.

I was wondering if you had any tips or resources that would be helpful for someone like me, given my specific difficulties. The only thing I know to do for sure right now is duolingo. It being on my phone helps, because when I am having trouble moving to a different area, I can be productive by doing some lessons, but I am skeptical of its true efficacy.

One thing I have extreme difficulty with is reading textbooks. I have to reread things over and over again to really retain what I read, and it becomes exhausting rather quickly.

I know this is an unusual request, but I really hope you all can give me some help! Thank you for any assistance you can provide!