
It’s beyond me why a mod would remove the “owner” of the page because they didn’t get a response as fast as they wanted… for those that don’t know, I had surgery yesterday due to being told I have Ovarian Cancer and my mom was helping with TG. People were removed because I got multiple notifications that someone was calling people that didn’t have their numbers set to “nobody” ANDD people that had their real names on the page. Mods and I made the decision to remove people to protect them. NOTTT because we were being mean. When I was told by 5 people they were called I went through and tried to protect everyone I could. I’ve said from day one that I would make this a safe place and that’s what I did. We’ve posted numerous times (even on Reddit) to hit your phone number and not use your real name to help protect the person…. I could have not cared and let them call everyone but that’s not what happened.. I’ve had people message me and ask and I’ve told me what happened and sent them a link to come back. It was to protect your privacy if you were removed. There is not drama on the page.. never has been. But to be removed off my Reddit page by a mod because they didn’t get a response quick enough is cross boundaries…. If you want to be added back you can message me on TG and I advise how to protect your account and of course you can come back. Again, it was to protect from people calling. Thanks for reading and IF I am added back to MY page… I’ll be advising more.