Klippers -- A Place for Fellow Users of the Klipper Firmware

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controlling 2 boards with klipper

i am building a printer with 8 hotends and someone told me you can control multiple main boards with an Ppie and klipper. anyone know how to go about this?

(im guessing setting up multiple boards in config.h? how would you flash multiple boards and how would you connect them?)

Help with klipper and bunch of mods to ender 3 pro

Did anyone compile printer config for ender 3 pro with sprite extruder, dual z axis with second axis plugged into extruder 1 port, cr touch? If so could i get it or some parts of it. Thank you

mainsail info

afternoon folks i have noticed everytime i uploaded a print it will auto load and print is there a option to wait to be told to print ?

STRINGING.. Klipper E3 S1 Pro
STRINGING.. Klipper E3 S1 Pro


Okay, ignore the blob on the base (fluke/bad purge..), but i cannot get this super thin, whispy, spider-web-like stringing to go away... I'm using Klipper on my E3 S1 Pro, and I have tried everything i can think of/find on google.. temp towers, retract towers, pressure advance is tuned, flow/extrusion multiplier is tuned. i even put in a whole new hotend assembly, and this is the best i can get the stringing down to... I am using firmware retraction BTW, Cura slicer with Klipper settings extension, FW retract enabled.

Filament is Inland PLA+. I have tried multiple colors, brand new rolls, old rolls, dried rolls, etc, with similar results.

Started retract tuning at 0.8mm/40mms retract settings as suggested, more retract length and/or slower speed makes strings "thicker", tried many combinations of length/speeds.

After all the testing my current settings are 210c, 0.2mm/55mms retraction, PA and flow are tuned.

Can post klipper config if wanted.

Any ideas? Similar experiences?

FWIW these whispy strings didnt happen with marlin/stock setup. I really enjoy all of the features klipper offers, and dont want to go back...

EDIT: Punctuation

Localized Print shift advice needed

I don't think this is an actual print shift due to an X motor but the results look the same. So, I didn't know how else to describe it. On the right side of this print it appears as though a shift occurred but you don't see any signs of a shift throughout the rest of the print. it was created in PrusaSlicer with basic settings. Pretty much a clean install. Also this is my first larger print with PrusaSlicer. So, I don't know if it's with PrusaSlicer or Klipper.

My Printer started it's life in 2017 as an Ender 3 Pro. I put it aside until a few months ago. It now has a Sprite Pro, Dual-z, manta E3EZ +CB1. Here's my printer.cfg and link to the model. Any clue at all would be very appreciated.

Ender 3 Pro Manta E3Ez CB1 - Pastebin.com

Iron Man Helmet, Articulated, Wearable by Boxandloop - Thingiverse

Again, if it's the wrong sub I do apologize. If anyone knows a better sub idea please send it. Thank's in advance!

Rare but annoying: the print just stops with no obvious reason

I'm running v0.12.0-207-g6cd17420 on my Voron 0.2 and it already happened more than 3 times in the last few months, so what might be the reason for this behaviour?

A simple restart of the print solves the problem.

The last part of my klippy.log is attached:


it ends with:

Resetting prediction variance 286302.089: freq=125416465 diff=-428117899 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286303.074: freq=124641368 diff=-431649684 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286304.058: freq=123875541 diff=-434559634 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286305.043: freq=123119208 diff=-436941499 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286306.027: freq=122372427 diff=-438752027 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286307.012: freq=121635397 diff=-440074893 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286307.997: freq=120908172 diff=-440910284 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286308.981: freq=120190850 diff=-441284308 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286309.966: freq=119483508 diff=-441270731 stddev=84000.000

Resetting prediction variance 286310.951: freq=118786112 diff=-440853191 stddev=84000.000

Klipper.local doesn't work, IP does

Suddenly I can't access klipper.local in my network anymore. It always worked and now suddenly it doesn't anymore. On no device. Accessing Mainsail via the IP address directly works, though. Any idea what's happening?

elegoo project super starter kit uno r3 project
elegoo project super starter kit uno r3 project

Would this be compatible with a Anycubic i3 mega s? My buddy has one he didn’t use and asked if I wanted it, but idk if it’ll work with mine…plus I really don’t even know what it is lol he told me it’s for a printer but from my understanding it’s for a computer lol

What's next after input shaping and PA?

Hey, I'm new to the 3D printing game and have an Ender 3 S1 Pro. I have also set input shaper and pressure advance with the help of ADXL. I generally use the PrusaSlicer. Now my question: Now that I have optimized everything and can finally print “reasonably”, what exactly are the advantages of the optimizations I have made? For example, can I now print PLA at a higher general print speed, such as 80-90mm/s, with the same quality as at 60mm/s? Do I have to consider anything else in the PrusaSlicer settings, such as changing/deactivating settings that are directly related to input shaping and PA?

BL-Touch error after first layer calibration

Hi, i did the z offset calibration btu my first layer was too squished, so i run the classic one layer print to adjust the Z offset and i got a great result at the end, but when i saved and klipper restarted i get an error that says

"Option 'z_offset' in section 'bltouch' must have minimum of 0.0"

what am i doing wrong?

heater_fan not always on (SKR E3 V3)


I plugged my heater_fan to FAN1 (PC7)

[heater_fan hotendfan]
pin: PC7

but the fan is not running constantly. When I add

heater_temp: 1.0

it starts spinning. But for example it only runs when Klipper is ready. Eg on restart firmware, the fan will go off until it's back.

What am I missing?

Weird printing in the air


I have calibrated my bed probe, homing works fine, position z=0 goes down to the bed.
My configs are like this

*# z_adjust = 0.0
*# z_offset = -0.529


Everything seems to be fine, but when I start printing, the LINE_PURGE looks still okay (at hight 1.0mm), but then the actual print starts mid air (really high, like 2cm).

What settings am I missing? I already googled and checked my config multiple times..

My START_PRINTS looks like this, I don't think that this is the problem:

[gcode_macro START_PRINT]



{% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %}

{% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(200)|float %}


M140 S{BED_TEMP} ;Start heating bed

M104 S200 ;Start heating extruder to 130 to prevent some oozing

{% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}


{% endif %}

M190 S{BED_TEMP} ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding

M117 Calibrating bed mesh

BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ; Auto bed leveling

G1 Z4.0 F3000 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed


M104 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ;Start heating extruder

M117 Waiting on extruder

M109 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding


G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder

Question regarding using Mainsail & Tailscale with IP camera

I'm using an ESP32 CAM setup as a IP camera in Mainsail and it all works as expected when accessed from my local network.

I wanted access outside my home network so I've setup Tailscale and setup my raspberry pi as a subnet router to enable access to the IP camera. I can now access both Mainsail (using the Tailscale IP and the local IP) and the IP camera externally.

When accessing Mainsail using the Tailscale IP the camera stream doesn't work, but using the local IP (i.e. utilising the subnet router?) it does show.

Can anyone explain why this is? This is for understanding more than anything, just wondering why I need the subnet router at all I guess.

input shaping vs pressure advance

hi im not rlly familiar with these terms.. do they perform the same thing?

Hbot support

Anybody knows if klipper support Hbot kinematics? If so, how I enable them?

Help me fix my X/Y steppers in klipper

I have an old ender 3 that I've upgraded and modded to a point where it can really be hardly even considered an ender 3 anymore. My latest project was changing out my X & Y steppers first to a set of closed loop steppers, and when I realized that I'd likely have to swap my control board (and rewire/reconfigure everything attached) for one with interchangeable drivers, I decided to stick with open loop, and picked up a set with a bit more holding torque (current bottle neck I'm trying to bypass is that the extruder head/bed is too heavy and using aggressive acceleration/movements is causing my steppers to skip and cause layer shifts.) I'm now trying to get a set of these configured with klipper and a BTT mini e3 SKR v3. My cfg for both X&Y is below. With this config i can't get any movement out of either stepper. Also, when i disable stealth_chop I get a klipper error that states. The same error occasionally comes up as well when i raise run current to above 1.5

TMC Stepper_X reports error: DRV_status: 001c00d0 s2vsa=1(shortToSupply_A!) ola=1(openLoad_A!) old=1(OpenLoadB!) Cs_actual=28

I'm out of ideas on how to procced with testing this at the moment. ChatGPT has got me this far, but is failing me in getting any further. I'm not looking for someone to just give me a solution, I'd like to actually learn where and why I'm screwing this up.

step_pin: PB13
dir_pin: !PB12
enable_pin: !PB14
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
full_steps_per_rotation: 400
endstop_pin: ^PC0
position_endstop: -3
position_min: -3
position_max: 232
homing_speed: 50

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 0
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
run_current: 1.6  

step_pin: PB10
dir_pin: !PB2
enable_pin: !PB11
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
full_steps_per_rotation: 400
endstop_pin: ^PC1
position_endstop: -7
position_min: -7
position_max: 223.2
homing_speed: 50

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PC11
tx_pin: PC10
uart_address: 2
stealthchop_threshold: 999999
run_current: 1.6 
Using Raspberry Pi 4, Mainsail, Moonraker; Is there any way I can toggle a GPIO output when Klipper is offline?

I am attempting to move from OctoPrint & Marlin to Klipper with Mainsail.

I have a function that I am having difficulty with duplicating, that being setting a GPIO pin output to switch a relay that controls the AC power to the printer (only the printer, the Pi stays powered all the time).

This was simple in OctoPrint with a plugin as it would still provide control over the Raspberry Pi GPIOs even when the printer was powered down.. But I have no idea how implement in Mainsail, Moonraker.

I have created the sections in my printer.cfg...

[mcu rpi]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu

[output_pin Power]
pin: rpi:gpio17

This provides a "Power" toggle in the "Miscellaneous" panel, and will power off the printer as expected. The problem is that now I get the "Klipper reports shutdown" and the "Miscellaneous" panel is now unavalable. The console is still there but when I try to send "SET_PIN PIN=Power VALUE=1.00" I get "Lost communication with MCU 'mcu'".

Is there a way to get this going?

Anyone have the Orbiter V2.0 on the Vyper?

Hello friends :D

I recently installed an Orbiter 2.0 extruder on my Anycubic Vyper, as the old cheap one was totally bricked.

However I cannot get it to work. I am running Klipper, and every time I try to extrude something, Klipper crashes with the error message "Stepper too far in past".

I *think I have configured my printer config correctly. I have at least configured it the way its described in the manual. Except for one thing - I have not mentioned the TMC driver in the config, as the UART pin is unknown to me.

However I do not think this is my issue. Any thoughts on how to get it running?

Klipper not booting after reinstall

Hi, I’m havring a bit of trouble with my Ender 3 Pro with a Manta E3EZ after trying to reinstall klipper. After the reinstall it doesn’t boot anymore. Here is what I have done:

  1. Donwloaded the latest klipper image for the BTT CB1
  2. Installed it using Balena Etcher (what BTT recommendeds)
  3. Changed SSID and password in the system.cfg file
  4. Inserted in printer and waited 10+ minutes

My printer was working fine before but I the trouble began after trying to change the SSID and password. I then decided to run a reinstall but it is unsuccessful. The printer doesn’t show up on the network and the screen remains blank.

What are my troubleshooting options? Should I buy a new SD-card?

Creality USB G-Sensor with Raspberry Pi 4

Hi guys,

So I have a Ender 3 S1 printer running mainsailOS through a rpi4. I bought a Creality G Sensor without really looking into it. The question I have, if I connect this directly to the Pi with USB can I still use it? I've done lots of research and most people use a Pico or they connect it directly to the serial pins. I don't have this option as it has a USB cable with the unit to connect to a Nebula Pad or Sonic Pad. Just wondering if there's a way to use it with the Pi?

Move out of range but there is nothing that tells it to move there.

It's an idex and I have been struggling a long time to get rid of this type of error. When it's printing it gives this error when it change from E0 to E1 extruder, I think. I took an report of it's positions just a couple of seconds before this error and those numbers are ok.

But it hadn't parked the E0 yet and that is parked at -70 so why is this?

16:27:00 !! Move out of range: 294.805 75.722 1.409 [172.781]

16:27:00 !! Move out of range: 294.805 75.722 1.409 [172.781]

16:27:00 !! Move out of range: 294.805 75.722 1.409 [172.781]

16:26:57 // mcu: stepper_x:14288 stepper_y:-5924 stepper_z:-1991 stepper_z1:-1988 dual_carriage:17536
// stepper: stepper_x:143.265625 stepper_y:75.950000 stepper_z:0.415617 stepper_z1:0.415617 dual_carriage:340.000000
// kinematic: X:143.265625 Y:75.950000 Z:0.415617
// toolhead: X:149.984000 Y:82.102000 Z:0.403572 E:175.539980
// gcode: X:149.984000 Y:82.102000 Z:0.300000 E:175.539980
// gcode base: X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000 E:113.890500
// gcode homing: X:0.000000 Y:0.000000 Z:0.000000