Kinesis Advantage keyboard users unite!

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[Advice needed] Ergo keyboard - kinesis, glove ?

Hi there, Could you please kindly help me deciding my first ergo keyboard? I’m trying to decide between the following options:

  • kinesis advantage 2 Cherry MX Quiet Red (KB600LFQ) - price: €396

  • kinesis advantage 360 smart set wired (KB360-GBR) - price: €577

  • Glove80 - price: ~€500 with taxes

There are also the kinesis 360 pro for 616€, on the same website ( Would worth the extra € compared to ad2?

What would you recommend?

I’m working ~9h per day, as a python developer using VScode mostly.

My main concern today is that I already have pain in my wrists due to the bad hand posture and lack of ergonomics. Ideally, I don’t wanna spend over 400€ because I already find it super expensive, but I’m also considering other options if they are going to last longer and avoid health problems in the future.

I’ve never used layers, and I also don’t use keymaps/etc. my current keyboard is a Logitech MX keys.

Thanks!! Best regards

Any good, non-flat mounting solutions for the Advantage 360?

Hello, all-

Has anybody found a good solution for mounting the Advantage 360 in more exotic ways than just flat on a desk or chair? By "exotic ways" I'm thinking of the kind of things you see here:

Per the Kinesis FAQ, it seems that they really only had flat mounting in mind, thus the rather unfriendly threading (versus the standard camera mounts that other ergo keyboards use).

I'm still trying to figure out some RSI issues, and the doctor thinks that bending my arms is aggravating whatever's going on. I know that the Kinesis isn't helping much here, and actually might even be contributing. Before I throw in the towel I'd like to try something to reduce my arms' angle--maybe just putting the keyboard lower with some negative tilt, or even hanging it at my sides (although that might make certain keys more difficult to reach).

Thanks, all.

[edit: fixed a couple typos]

Moving from Moonlander to Kinesis Advantage360

I own a ZSA Moonlander and have been considering switching to a Kinesis Advantage360 SmartSet. The only thing that's holding me back at the moment is just the worry that I won't be able to program my keyboard in an as flexible way as with Oryx (the keyboard configurator) and the Moonlander.

I have a couple of questions in this regard that I hope someone can answer:

  1. What is the difference between profiles and layers?
  2. I programmed my current Moonlander to, for instance, when I hold the f key I go to a layer where hjkl are left-down-up-right (vim user). Is that something that's possible with the Kinesis?
  3. If 2. is yes, then is that possible with this "SmartSet app"?

Sorry for all the questions. This keyboard is not cheap and I just want to purchase it after being extra sure it covers my use cases. I sadly haven't found a lot of content out there (as opposed with the Moonlander) with people showcasing what are the possibilities of programming the keyboard.

Advantage 360 - Is it possible to change layers within a macro?


I have a profile focusing on the Base and KP layers. The KP layer effectively is a Navigation/Function layer packed into one. There are some keys in the KP layers that I would like to assign multiple actions to, such as "When I hit the "I" key in the KP layer, execute {F2}{Base Layer Toggle}."

Initially, I thought this would be assigned as a macro, with multiple keys assigned to a single cap. But I can't figure out how to get the layer toggling action into a macro. When I tap the Layer toggling key, the code inserted into the SmartSetTool Macro editor is {lshft + lctrl + F10}. So I thought, perhaps this is just the underlying code for the base layer toggle. However, the layer toggling functionality does not seem to work with what is assigned in the macro.

  • Any recommendations on how to add layer toggling functionality in a macro?
  • Or, since I have no use case for "I" in the KP layer, is there another way to combo the actions?

I'm new to programming my keyboard, so I've been using the SmartSetTool to accomplish all of my programming. I have not delved into QMK or ZMK, but perhaps this is a sign.

  • Can you direct program in QMK/ZMK in the Advantage 360 Not Pro?
Difference between ZMK forks?

Does anyone know the difference between using "vanilla" ZMK vs. Kineses' fork?

Keybr with Advantage 360 Signature Series

Does anyone know if the touch typing resource Keybr works with the advantage 360 series?
It would also be interesting to hear if the Norman layout, or any layout other than qwerty works well.

Advantage2 learning curve while learning VIM

Hey all, i'm a software engineer and have been having wrist issues lately. I've been looking into getting an advantage2 and maybe some ergo mouse to help alleviate the pain. I understand there will be a decent learning curve when starting out, and wanted to know if it would be a good time to learn VIM keybindings as well since i will be trying to stick to the keyboard as much as possible. Currently i tend to use the mouse a lot when programming which also triggers pain.

My question is, would you recommend first getting used to the keyboard and then maybe trying to learn VIM keybindings, or since i am anyways remapping my typing muscle memory go all the way and learn the new keybindings at the same time?


Busted key

Hey all,

I'm an author in the UK and I adore Kinesis, I have 2, always need a back up and I keep cables as spares I move about a lot and break them quite often.

However. I am good at fixing things I'm not that good.

I have a parrot and he sits on my monitor and while I'm also fast I wasn't fast enough to not have him shite on my keyboard. My R key stopped working and I had to pull it all apart and clean it all off.

Sadly I pulled my space bar too hard, and pulled the whole thing off, and now it keeps sticking on, the spring pops out and the key just isn't functioning right.

I've plugged my back up in, but I really, really need help with this, as in how do I fix it, or who can fix it for me.

I noted a person in here that touches them, and sent them a DM, but if anyone else has suggestions for me. I'm all ears.

Thank you so much!


(I do not like being without a backup keyboard)

How can I achieve t&h functionality with shift keys?

Before I got my Kinesis I used a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 for about eight years. For a year or two, I used kmonad to hack on the keyboard behavior. I'd like to remap the behaviour of my shift keys, but I don't think it's possible with the current SmartSet programming engine firmware. I'll email Kinesis support if the consensus is that it isn't possible, I'm not experienced with the engine's advanced capabilities, and I haven't used the on-board programming to its fullest.

When I used kmonad, I had the following setup:

Left shift, given it is a HOLD-only key, should have a tap behaviour; otherwise it's a key that can only be used as a held key -- not a loss, but something that should be usable. I want that behaviour to be [+lshift][9][-lshift] (in the Kinesis remap syntax). Similarly, the right shift key should be [+lshift][0][-lshift].

I know, however, that modified (shifted) keys cannot be remapped, so there is no way to simply say the following.


It's likely I have to use a macro, because you cannot remap a sequence of keys to a function. Is the t&hnnn available in the macro syntax, however? Could I accomplish this through a series of remaps?

It's easy enough to type the left and right parentheses on a Kinesis Advantage Ⅱ, but I'd like to experiment with this modification again.

AltGr modifier key and its usage on Kinesis Advantage 360 (not Pro)

I would like to map the AltGr key somewhere. I read that that has the action token "right alt" (or [ralt] per So I mapped that by mounting the v-drive and editing a layout. So far I am not quite sure, whether it is correctly mapped or the correct action token, because I don't have anything mapped to pressing AltGr+some_other_key. Since another modifier key is useless unless it actually has some combinations with it mapped to some actions, I would like to know how to do that too.

I found some git repositories online that have some C code to compile for certain layouts (but not what I want specifically). This seems hilariously overblown complexity for mapping some keys. Is there a plain and simple way to map AltGr to one key and then map other keys + AltGr combinations to make them write some special characters?

For example I would like to press the key labeled "Home", which will be mapped to be AltGr, and the key labeled "6" to input a "°" character, like I could on a German QWERTZ keyboard layout, on the top left corner below the ESC button. I could not find that action in Kinesis' action token list.

However, please do not assume, that all I want is German layout and post some repo with German layout. I do not want a German layout.

Generalized my question would be: How to add a modifier key and the key combos that include it?

Which keyboard layouts have proven worthy to you?

As the title implies, I'm searching for layout inspiration with proven record track. Just received my 360 and have totally fallen in love with it. But I feel like there are better ways to organize the overall layout. Especially hitting cmd, opt, ctrl and "n" feels suboptimal tbh. - thanks for impressions in advance! :)

edit: working mostly on macos/linux

Periodic connection dropping

My Kinesis Adv360 wireless keyboard has been working great, however for the last month+ it periodically stops connecting to my mac, or it takes me hitting the keys multiple times for it to register a keystroke. I thought it was a low battery thing, but it happens even after charging both sides of the keyboard all night. Anyone else have a similar thing happening?

Advantage 360 Remapping L key in Function Layer Fails...

Hi all,

I just recently got my Advantage 360 and I am experimenting with remapping a couple of keys. For one, I want to remap my arrow heys to Fn+h/j/k/l. Here's my corresponding snippet from my layout file:

<function1> [h]>[left] [j]>[down] [k]>[up] [l]>[right]

And it works for all keys but l (the letter L). So Fn+h produces a left, Fn+j produces down, ... only Fn+l still produces l. Can someone help me? Did I chose the wrong layer to remap? When would I chose the <function2> and <function3> layers and how do I even access them?

Tap and Hold A-Z keys for home row mods

I encounter an error when I try to assign Tap and Hold for A-Z keys in SmartSet, take a look:

However, I've read somewhere on Reddit that it is possible (not encouraged, but possible). How do you guys do it?

P.S. Just in case you wonder why would I need that - I would like to try home row mods, try and see how it goes.

Would like to see what all Macros you have on your Kinesis

I have the Advantage2 LF, but haven't used macros so far. As Kinesis have the option of macro, it would be interesting to see how people are using it. It would be nice to see some examples if you would be willing to share.

Finger placement questions

I thought I was a touch typist but the 360 is quickly highlighting all of the flaws I had in my technique. Which is fine but it's turning into a lot of relearning.

When it comes to which fingers I should be using for which keys, for example on my right hand the "P" should I be using my ring finger or pinky?

No official guide on how to setup your desk?

I was wondering if there is an official guide on how to setup your desk with the advantage 360.

The keyboard is very high up and with my usual desk height it's definitely wrong. So I lowered my desk until it's almost on my lap. Keyboard feels a lot better now. My arm rests are kinda in the way of the table when I try to get very close with my chair which is annoying and (most important) using my mouse feels kinda weird now as if the table is too low for the mouse.

How did you guys set up your workplaces?

I read about keyboard trays. How do they work? you only put the keyboard on it and leave the mouse on the table? or you put both on it? wouldn't that result in the same thing I have now, either keyboard being to high up or mouse too low?

When sitting on my gymnastic ball it feels much better overall but I can't sit on it all day long, at some point my posture get's really bad because my back can't hold it that long or because I get lazy idk.

Wire not working anymore?

I'm using the Kinesis Advantage 2 and the usb connection is cutting in and out, even while the keyboard is still. I've been having connection issues for a while, but now its doing it even when I'm in the middle of typing, when before it was just when it was first plugged in. I think the wire is damaged / out of alignment, like old headphones used to do it. Anyone know of an easy fix?

Tennis Elbow after typing on Advantage 360

Recently I got symptoms of tennis elbow on both arms, but particularly my left arm, after practicing typing on my Advantage 360 SmartSet for 20 minutes straight. I'm worried I won't be able to use this keyboard anymore, even though I've had it for almost 2 years and prior practice months ago didn't seem to cause injury like this. Has anyone else had tennis elbow pain in the forearm extensor tendons after long typing sessions? I'm really worried and in pain, the whole reason I bought this keyboard was because I got wrist RSI from overuse two years ago. But now I seem to have RSI in a different place too. I love this keyboard and I spent a lot of time and money on it, learning to touch type with high speed and accuracy. I'm really fed up with RSI, unfortunately this keyboard seems to have given me tennis elbow, but I'm not sure why??? 😥

Kinesis Advantage 360 Swap Fn and Ctrl

I'm trying to set up my Advantage 360 (not pro!) and I would like to swap the Fn and Ctrl keys. I'm on linux, so I don't know any good ways to remap the layout besides mounting the "v-drive" and editing the layout files. What I tried was this:







This successfully remaps the Fn keys to ctrl, but it doesn't make the Ctrl keys Fn. So I have no way to use the F1-F12 keys at the moment...

Any thoughts? Also, is there any good way for me to edit the layout besides mounting the v-drive and editing the layout files?

Advantage360 (non pro): remaping/macro for shift + keys

[SOLVED: The issue was resolved by updating the firmware to 1.0.71. Thanks u/huhclothes]

I recently got an advantage 360 (USB/no pro version) and I am loving the typing experience. However, I am having issues setting it up exactly as I like it.

I use the function layer a lot, especially for shift + key, for example to type _.

I have done this by using the macro key - {trigger fn layer}+{a} for _.

This works when I input it but the keyboard either resets or stops executing the macro after a while. Is this a known issue? Is there an alternative way to remap instead of macro the shift layer keys?

Thank you!

How to program the "Menu Key" For Windows 11

There's a lot of talk about restoring the old Windows Context menu (the window that pops up when you hit the menu key), but I can't figure out the right key combination to assign to a Hotkey as a macro.

In the past, the short cut for the menu key has been Shift + F10. There has been plenty of documentation stating this doesn't always work. Does anyone have any alternatives?

For context, I'm using a Kinesis Advantage 360, so I do have the SmartSet app.