Am I crazy to remove this?

Yes, it’s a Dairy Queen. If you know you know. I call it the solarium and I hate it for the following reasons. 1. It’s ugly. I am just really sick of looking at it through my kitchen windows. I have a nice garden and I would love to see it better. 2. It’s not usable for most of the time, too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter. 3. It’s tinted. I don’t get beautiful sunlight (south facing) into my kitchen. It just makes the house darker.

I want that area to be outside space. I would love to reclaim some of my yard. The solarium has been filled with car parts and tools and all sorts of other junk which I hated looking at for years and years. Now that it’s finally empty and cleaned up I feel a bit different about it. Would you remove it?