So this was apparently an email that the IB sent out in 2017 after timezone cheating in the Novemver 2017 exam. This email was sent out on or close to the results date. This is from another reddit thread, source here: 


dear father or legal guardian

The international baccalaureate must take all necessary measures to ensure that the integrity of its evaluations is maintained, and this sometimes means that we are forced to make very difficult decisions. These decisions are not adopted lightly and are always taken with the aim of ensuring that our students receive a fair qualification.

DURING THE CALL FOR EXAMINATIONS OF THE DIPLOMA PROGRAM held in November 2017, the IB learned that the content of our exams had been shared with the students. After a thorough investigation, evidence was gathered that confirmed that the content of the tests had been shared with the students before they presented themselves to the call. The incidents occurred when the exam materials were no longer under the control or custody of the IB.

Due to these infractions, we have been forced to make some very difficult decisions to maintain the integrity of our exams and ensure that no student receives an unfair advantage for cheating. In cases where we have evidence of infractions of our regulations, we have taken concrete action against the schools or students involved. but we also recognize that it is impossible to identify one of the students who may have had access to the content of an exam before submitting to the respective call. Therefore, even if our investigations do not end, we can not qualify the exam components. content we know that has been shared before the students are submitted to this test.

If your child took the mid-level business management exams, Spanish A higher-level literature, Spanish A: literature, or history of hystoric hearing of americas, will be assigned a grade based on our no-qualification procedure for the components of examination. The procedure of absence of qualification allows us to estimate the performance that a student would have had in this component, based on the other elements of the evaluation that they have completed. Students will receive a final qualification for these subjects.

unfortunately, in three subjects, biology, mathematics studies and business management, more than one exam component was shared with the intention of cheating. unfortunately, the IB can not assign a final grade for these subjects until they have concluded our investigations