Your breakfast or morning meal must be oatmeal but you can still eat any food you want (eggs, bacon, pancakes) for other meals.

If you skip breakfast, oatmeal is bumped to lunch or dinner.

You are allowed to put whatever you like it it on weekends (fruit, sugar, chocolate) but Monday thru Friday it has to be plain.

EDIT for all yall saying you would just eat a spoonfull... new rule, you have to eat 1/4 cup before cooking (a small bowl). You can eat more than this if you want.

You are allowed to drink whatever you want with breakfast as long as its not reasonably food. So coffee is fine but no protein shakes.

Additional real food, you have to wait at least 2 hours.

The $75 is on top of your regular income

You are allowed to put a pinch of salt or sugar on it even on plain days.

EDIT2: I didnt think this post would be so popular! Yes the money is tax free. It appears under your pillow from the oatmeal fairy.

PLAIN oatmeal may still include BASIC addons like a small amount of butter, salt and sugar. Every other fancy addon like syrup, fruit, nuts, PB, chocolate, protein powder are weekends only. This means that fun recipes like overnight oats or baked oats with more than just oats, milk/water, salt and butter are not allowed on plain days