The voting system is point-based: Each person chooses one they'd like to see as a Representative (+1 point for them) and one they don't (-1 for them).

The voting process will be mental: confirming your choices in your mind counts as your vote.

The election will be held 6 months after the aliens' visit. Therefore, expect a semester full of people trying to promote themselves. And probably a lot of geopolitical tension.

On the election day, starting midnight at GMT 0, each person will have the following 24h to vote. Anyone can change their vote during this timeframe. Once you confirm your vote, you'll have to confirm any new choices mentally for them to apply. Not voting will register yourself as both the person you vote for and the one you vote against, which changes nothing l

After the voting period ends, the aliens will wait a week and then announce the results. Every single person will be able to view a multitude of election stats, search for anyone they wish to see their voting and more. The winner will be immediately taken by the aliens to prevent any threats to their security.

The winner may not decline their duty, and must serve 4 years until another election is held (no reelections, so they'll be free afterwards)