Edit: there are no medical downfalls to eating the same thing in this situation, im more going for could you handle the taste of the same thing every time you eat. Your body will be impervious to health problems related to nutrition needs. Great questions guys!

So, you get $10 million tax-free, yada yada, no IRS, you know the drill. However, you can choose ONE food to eat the rest of your life, and ONE drink to drink.

Rules: The food you choose will be eaten ANY TIME YOU EAT. Meaning, ZERO snacks, no sides with your food, no desserts, no anything except the food you choose. Caveat for you loop-holers, the food but be prepared the exact same way every time it is eaten (cant be over easy eggs and then scrambled next time for example, cant be lemon pepper chicken and then teriyaki chicken next time).

Same rules as above for the drink, it has to be one food and one drink only with exceptions

For all the thinkers out there, there is no way around it, no loop holes, no anything that isnt listed above; its a magic spell that locks you into eating and drinking your one choice forever, you cant sneak anything or change your choice.

Really think it over because eating the same thing everyday without any other sides or snacks or desserts is going to be pretty awful, is it worth the $10 million to you? Do you take the money or no?