My housekeepers have been coming once a month for 4 months; there are 3-4 and they usually take 2-3 hours. I work from home but I’m usually in my office and basically say hi and bye.

In my bathroom I have a hamper just for bath linens, it’s just a white cylinder, no top; and I have a separate metal can with a lid for actual trash. Day 1 the housekeepers put clear plastic trash bags in it which I didn’t think much of. But today I saw the bag, with towels in it, grouped with the other trash. I told them it wasn’t trash and they seemed surprised, bc it was “in a trash can” and that’s when I realized they’ve been throwing away my towels.

Idk how many they’ve tossed, but just the other day I was wondering if I was crazy because it seemed like I had more towels. Not for nothing, many were part of a Crate & Barrel set as a housewarming gift - they were nice towels!

So I’m not sure how to approach this. It’s a small, woman-owned company, and all business dealings/issues goes through the owner. People make mistakes, and I don’t mind an occasional broken glass or missed corner. But a bin of towels is not at all trash.

What is fair, here? Should I ask for a discount? How much?