We've been in our new home for about 3 years now from day one our neighbor pulls into our driveway all the way in to back in his car but the thing is if our car is parked there he can still back in no problem. We've started to think he is doing on purpose and this happens 4-5 times a day.

And he has two dogs that are always off leash and pee and poop in our yard. There are so many other things like this that we've putting up for 3 years and did not said a word about it until now. He acts like he owns the entire street

We finally told our neighbor we'd appreciate it if we did not use our driveway in a very polite way. He became very hostile and said "oh i pull in maybe 2 feet what is the problem if you want to live on this street you need to make sacrifices"

Can you please help me with your thoughts? I am afraid he'll become more hostile and do things behind our backs.

Thank you