Hey r/hammockcamping community,

I'm super excited to share my upcoming adventure with you all! This summer, I’m planning a two-week hammock camping trip across Spain in June and July, and I’ve recently ordered the Onewind Northers Hammock for the journey.

Why Spain?

Spain offers a fantastic mix of vibrant cities, beautiful landscapes, and rich culture. Plus, the weather during this time of year is generally warm and sunny, with temperatures ranging from 15°C at night to 30°C or more during the day. It's perfect for hammock camping and exploring both urban and natural settings.

Travel Plan

I plan to fly out and will be using the Osprey Daylite® Carry-On Travel Pack 44 as my underseat carry-on backpack. This way, I can avoid the hassle of checked luggage and keep my gear lightweight and portable.

Gear and Preparation

Here's a quick rundown of my gear and how I’m preparing for the trip:

1.  Hammock Setup:

• Onewind Northers Hammock: Just ordered and can’t wait to test it out! It’s a double-layer hammock to fit a sleeping pad inside and comes with an integrated bug net but no tarp.

• Sleeping Pad: Considering bringing a Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite for added comfort and insulation.

• Sleeping Bag: Any recommendations ?

• Inflatable Pillow

• Tarp: Maybe bringing a separate tarp for extra protection.

2.  Clothing and Essentials:

• I’ll pack lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for the hot Spanish summer.

• A nice outfit for city visits.

• Essentials like a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are a must.

3.  Electronics:

• My phone, a portable charger, and wireless earbuds for convenience.

• GoPro Hero 6 with extra batteries to capture all the amazing moments.

Support from My Sister

I’ll be visiting my sister who lives in Madrid. This is a great advantage as I can borrow some items from her or order additional gear from Amazon to her place if needed. It’s reassuring to know that I can resupply or get any last-minute essentials without carrying everything from the start.

Managing Food and Water

I plan to carry lightweight, non-perishable food and a portable water filter to refill on the go. I’ll also be staying in hostels for about five nights, giving me opportunities to refresh and resupply.


My itinerary includes a mix of urban exploration and camping in scenic spots. I aim to balance my time between experiencing Spain’s rich cultural cities and relaxing in nature.

Questions for the Community

Does this setup seem feasible for a two-week trip across Spain? Has anyone had experience hammock camping in hot weather? Any tips or suggestions on gear, especially for dealing with the heat?

I’m thrilled about this trip and would love to hear any insights or recommendations from those who have done similar adventures.

Happy hanging!