It's an infinite loop: you crave making a game, you start developing something, you get bored or burnt out, you stop. I was really enjoying the process, I like making games and I like using Godot, but then yet again I stopped. This time I reflected a bit and I understood why it happened. Apparently I don't have a clear goal. I start to think about "why should I make this game, there are thousands better than mine". I make games since I was 14 (now I'm 32) and when I was younger it was very easy for me working consistently to a game, indeed I released several games. The simple "I just want to make a game because yes" worked at that time. Now it doesn't work anymore and the lack of a reason, something to achieve for having developed a game makes me lose the direction and the beauty of creating something. Does it happens to you too? Should I simply give up making games? (I can't, after some times I inevitably come back making games 🫤) Do you have any suggestion?