Hi everyone,

If you've been following reddit's blackout at all, you probably have a sense of what's going on. By now, lots of subreddits have reopened or have simply gone restricted so content is still visible and engagement can still occur to a degree. This puts us in a weird space.

Reddit admins have recently doubled down on their stance, and are now saying that they will remove moderators and replace them with active mods under the guise of "inactive moderators" and "subreddit squatting" among other things.

"Mods will be removed, one way or another..." 

"If a moderator team unanimously decides to stop moderating, we will invite new, active moderators..." 

u/ ModCodeofConduct official response to subs being set private indefinitely 

"Reddit Threatens to Remove Moderators From Subreddits Continuing Apollo-Related Blackouts"

"Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Reddit 'was never designed to support third-pary apps'"

So we thought it best to ask you all, as the people this community actually belongs to, what you think we should do. Please vote on this poll, we'll keep it up for 72 hours and keep the sub restricted until then.

Thank you all for your understanding

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