Fuck Wasps

r/fuckwasps119.0K subscribers32 active
Seriously, Fuck Wasps

Was walking my dog this morning and I felt extreme pain on the top of my foot. Somehow a yellow jacket flew into my sneaker and stung me.

I haven't been stung since I was a kid and holy shit did it hurt.

Fuck wasps.

Can wasps stings cause long lasting headaches even if you're not allergic?

An asshole wasp stung me (even though I kept a good distance) and I suddenly started feel really light headed, struggled with minimum tasks, and all around unpleasant feeling

Worth noticing, a bumble bee stung me about a week ago and it wasn't really it's fault, it was a sharper pain but not long lasting and I didn't feel much after

There’s a wasp stuck between my window and the screen what do I doPest Control/Medical Advice

For context I have one of those windows that slide up and I’m on the fifth floor so I can’t spray anything from the outside. I’m scared it’s gonna find a way in. Every time it moves it makes this infernal buzzing sound that makes me wanna kms. HELP

Accidentally attracted paper wasps with catnip plants 🫠 help me!

So I have a cat that needs to lose weight. Planted catnip in hanging planters on our screened in patio, he has started coming downstairs more and coming out on the patio more bc of the plants so they’re staying.

BUT I ACCIDENTALLY CREATED A PAPER WASP MAGNET!!!! I’ve had 6, yes 6, paper wasps on my screened in patio this last week and it just finally clicked when 2 more were trying to get to the catnip through the screen. Google confirmed, “beneficial wasps” (which includes paper wasps) like catnip, even though most other wasps hate it.

What plants do paper wasps hate?? I cannot seem to find anything. I find stuff for wasps in general, but I can’t find anything specific to paper wasps and clearly they’re different given they like catnip when most other wasps don’t

Someone help 🥲