So my name is Cinnamon. Yes that’s my real name, however I often go by Cinna for short. But i’ve always wanted to have a fragrance that matches me, but every time I go looking for fragrances with cinnamon i always feel like it’s not the main focus, as it easily get overpowered by other scents, and I don’t end up wearing them. So if anyone could help me find something for this, that would be amazing. Here’s what I’m looking for:

Lots of Cinnamon. I want it to smell spicy? Something more androgynous if possible. If there’s any floral or fruity notes, i’d like them more in the background. Not the biggest fan of vanilla. My family comes from South Asia so scents from that region would be a lovely addition. Doesn’t break the bank too much.

Thank you to anyone who can offer be some advice <3