We run a 70F. I will be away for a month & may need remote access into my network PC. We are a little non-profit & Teamviewer is a pricey minimum 12mth sub.

How secure is this? a 70F i/c policy for RDP access only from my external mac address, & only into an internal dedicated ip address (PC) with a strong pwd on the only UID allowed to Remote Desktop into it. PC is only turned on as required, by my email request, & I (remotely) shut it down after a session. (and the Policy is scheduled off for 9hrs each night). We dont have 2FA.

Im aware of SANS (Murray) writing re remote access: "Prefer end-to-end encryption that terminates on the application, not on the perimeter, not on an operating system". Im aware of security & setup issues with SSL & IPSEC VPNs, and am low on time to sort & test that.

But to get Teamviewer funded I have to show clear evidence its more secure than the i/c policy option above.

Thank you