When does the food actually start getting eaten? RANT/ENCOURAGEMENT NEEDED

I have an 8 month old old that started on purées about once a week at 4-5 months after the pediatrician saw her head control, etc and cleared her for it. My LO is now 8 months and we’re all over the place with foods. Trying cut up scrambled eggs, strips of toast, purées, finger food style, and unless it’s ME feeding her cut up food or purées with a spoon, 90+% of the food doesn’t make it into her mouth. I even went as far as trying a bib that goes over the entire tray of the high chair so she could scoop the dropped food back up.

When I feed the food to her, she will chow down 1-3oz of food, and she has excellent eye-hand coordination and can get the food to her mouth no problem. But when we allow her to try her hand at the spoon or fork, (the knobby short kind for easy grip with the pacifier style wall to prevent gagging on the eating end) and other styles of baby utensils, nothing actually gets eaten…. Same with a baby cup, sippy cup, a munchkin 360 cup or even a small bottle with 1oz water in it. She doesn’t get any of it into her. This kid is WALKING but can’t seem to get this concept quite yet. I know it will come in time and I’m enjoying the ride and the journey nonetheless, but I’m looking forward to when she is just all jazzed up for breakfast, etc and gets the gist of it. Ya know, that narrow window of a few minutes or even a few meals before the horrid food throwing frenzy and obsession sets in. 😂

I KNOW FOOD BEFORE 1 IS JUST FOR FUN, etc but what age do they get a bit more into actually ingesting the food and a little less focused on just mashing it around with their fingers? She isn’t great at sucking the mashed up food off her fingers so that’s a bit of it and I’m glad she’s exploring and learning. I’m just here for the ride it seems.

Pic of a recent baby dining experience before giving it to her for attention. After gathering the remainder she didn’t eat from the bib, high chair, floor, and even baby’s hair, I’m sure that she’d gotten approximately 3 tiny pieces of the pasta, maybe the equivalent of 2.5 peas, and a piece of ground up meatball equivalent to that of a period dot. I DO NOT expect her to eat all of this and put the remainder away for leftovers, but we’ve had this exact meal before and when I spoon fed it to her, she’d eaten about 1-2 tablespoons of it and seemed to enjoy it.

How do you tough moms going the baby led weaning route survive this?! I tried that for all of a week before I could hardly take it anymore. She’s getting her first tooth and has been having bouts of teething symptoms since 3 months old. Who the heck knows if we’re going to get the second bottom tooth in two days or have to wait another 5 months for it to make an appearance.

Meanwhile I’m seeing 10-14 month olds with 4-6 teeth walking, talking, and eating friggin donuts!