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Font pairing: Big Caslon and ?

I am working on a printed project and was using Big Caslon as the overall font. The printer is concerned that the finer lines on some of the letters (see, for example, N or M) will be "filled in" during printing. This is only a concern for the text (it's a poster), not the title, which is in Big Caslon and isn't changing.

I need to find a decent font to pair it with that isn't too modern. Any recommendations of free fonts would be much appreciated!

Looking for a dingbat font of everyday objects

Preferably free, but willing to pay if not too expensive.

I can find dozens of fonts to achieve what I need, but this is for glyphs in a desktop app so I need consistency of design and would like to avoid juggling multiple fonts. Looking for as broad a range of subjects as possible, from a coffee cup and a cigar to foods and, I dunno, wristwatches.

End goal is the user creates a custom category and assigns a glyph to it.

Many free font licenses say "do not use with a print-on-demand websites." Do they mean only websites where you can type what you want the shirt to say in a design app and the font is stored on the system? Or does that also mean a static unchanging image printed on a t-shirt and ordered "on demand"?

I'm starting a business and looking to setup a way for customers to order my designs printed on shirts through my supplier, so I don't have to be involved with the transaction. But my designs have text with fonts that include "do not use with a print-on-demand websites" with the license. and trying to figure out if that includes that I am doing. Thank you.

Casual (handwriting?) front with good legibility at small sizes?

I started a Youtube channel recently, and for the thumbnail text I use a combination of Jersey (a pixel-style font) and a handwriting font (currently Kalam). It gives the kind of look that I want (the pixel font indicates that it's gaming related, the handwriting hopefully implies that it's my personal, casual thoughts). The problem is that the handwriting font is harder to read than the pixel front at small sizes. Can anyone suggest a font that can fill the casual, personal vibe, while still being easy to read when the thumbnail gets shrunk down? It needs to be either free or extremely cheap. Thanks for reading!

Fido Bold - Where can I get this font used by the Dogs Trust UK?

The font Dogs Trust UK uses for headlines is interesting.

I've been trying to find it but can't... Is this a custom font made for them?

I also found the studio that did the branding, but the case study does not mention a custom typeface.

The only "Fido" fonts that come up are very different (from Canada Type).

Merging fonts

I can only apply one font to my phone and I want to use two fonts by merging them, a font for Arabic text and a font for emojis, how can I do that?

Frutiger LT Std 55 Roman Frutiger LT Std 65 Bold license?

Hi all, looking for Frutiger LT Std 55 Roman Frutiger LT Std 65 Bold to buy a legit online license. These typefaces once were part of Adobe, but now dissapeared. I checked myfonts and found "Neu Frutiger" etc, but not the original one. Does anyone know what happened? Appreciate your help!

Canva Pro Font - Help!

Hello! I’ve used a font on Canva Pro - and when I try to look for it online a different one shows up. It’s called Anantason & Anantason Pro font?! Help 😩

What's a font closest to Family Dog font?

Not willing to pay, need a font that's similar to this!


Ano Font (Where can I get it free or are there any close alternatives?)

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to replicate the OLIPOP title font for a design project. Alias's Ano font is the one used in the official, but I need a free one. Do you know of any free fonts with an all caps that look like this? Or a place to get Ano for free? Thanks for all of your feedback! It is much appreciated!

Alias Ano




I'm trying to find a typeface that elongates an "S" over other letters as elegantly as something like Scriptina.

The "P" goes beyond the "C", "R", and "I"

The "T" also takes over the "I" and almost the "N"

Is there a name for this feature? I'm primarily interested in the letter S. Any recomendations?

Modern-day alternatives to Times New Roman?

I need a font that is human-centered and warm but, at the same time, modern.

Context: It's a technology business centered around the human side of technology.

Problem: There are loads of great high-tech fonts out there, but I really don't want to use a font that is too "techie". The business needs to be differentiated from "just another tech business" I want a font that has a more human appeal. I would use that old reliable that is Times New Roman but I want something with the same clarity but more modern.

Use: The font is going to be mainly used for body-text on PDF-style brochures and information booklets.

I'm hoping that someone can come up with some suggestions. Any ideas would be great.