Impact glass and block houses don’t necessarily equal hurricane proof so…A question for the natives:

Is this a “going down with the ship” thing or do you not believe a cat 5 could kill you and all of your neighbors? This is my 9th hurricane season and my first one came at the end of an 11yr drought of landfalling hurricanes in the US. We evacuated for Irma a year or two later (Wish we hadn’t) and we haven’t evacuated since but I know damn well if Dorian hadn’t decided to park on the Bahamas myself and thousands of others across PBC (Especially Jupiter and Tequesta) were going to greatly regret the decision to stay. If you can’t afford to evacuate this question was not for you.

Edit: This has been great so far but I wanna hear from the diehards, the “crackers” living near water who “ain’t leavin’ for nuthin’, never have, never will”.

Also edit: Before anyone who isn’t from here loses their mind, “Florida Crackers” are a thing and is not being used in any sort of derogatory manner whatsoever nor is it considered derogatory/pejorative in the first place if you are one.