(Sorry if I placed this in the wrong flair!!)

Hello! Heard of this subreddit and been meaning to join it since I fly once a year for vacations outside of my country (most of the time).

I’ll be flying to Korea tomorrow late at night at 11pm (not my first night flight since that was last year but still a bit scared because it’s at night)– will be a 4 hour flight– and idk I am a bit jittery about it but I know that there’s nothing I should be worried about, and plus my mom is totally an expert flyer since she flies in and out for her work so I can lean on her if I need to!!

As in the title stated, I would be needing some kind of distraction to help me forget about the turbulence and stuff. I am all open to show/movie recommendations from prime and netflix – or your favorite video essays on youtube (not too scary now, i would be open to horror in morning flights hahaha).

Perhaps a PDF of a book or a podcast I should listen on Spotify to help me fall asleep– any media or maybe even offline games. Anything would work for me!

(Edit: I will be flying Jeju Air and I heard great things about it, being good for a budget airline. Though would love to hear others opinions on them!!)