This was too insane not to share.

TL/DR I got a crazy call from a TBM I have not spoken to in 5 years because he had a dream about me having a pornography problem.

He was a wide eyed, adult ADHD having truest of TBMs. He was a next door neighbor that I had nothing in common with beyond Mormonism. He was five years younger than I was but our kids were similar ages. We were cordial but not close. A typical chapel only acquaintance.

He moved away 5 years ago and I have not spoken to him once since then. He has since become employed as a councilor for the MFMC family services. Meanwhile I moved twice after leaving the church with my family 4 years ago.

So today he calls me:

After brief greetings...

Him: "Hey. I know this is weird but I had a really detailed dream about you last night. You were explaining so many super important concepts to me, but then you really opened up and talked to me about your struggles with pornography and masterbation."

He paused as though I could have any response to that. For the record, this is not a topic we have ever discussed in any context. He was never my councilor or my leader.

Me: "That's crazy, man. I wonder what that's about. Hey did you know that DW and I left the church about 4 years ago?"

Him (trembling tearful Eyring voice): "No. Why did you do that?"

He asked for it. After referencing the church history essays he asked for specifics and what my biggest issues were. Yadda yadda yadda. I gave him my biggest concerns in a very calm matter of fact tight 15 that I have been working on; "translation," BOM historicity, BOA, rock in hat, first vision accounts, and over all the deception surrounding all of it.

Him: "what's wrong with multiple first vision accounts?"

Me: "Besides the fact that there is not a single contemporary account of him telling anyone about it until well after he had formed a church ten years later? Or that his teachings and scripture indicate he didn't even believe God and Jesus were separate people until well into the 30s? And that his changing theological beliefs about the trinity is reflected in his teachings concurent with the changing narrative of the accounts that become increasingly detailed and grandiose the way all fish stories do?"

So I gave him both barrels and loaded whatever shelf he has as much as possible. Seemed appropriate for a guy that would cold call me after 5 years to claim prophetic knowledge about my illicit dick touching.

He responded typically but timidly that he "knew all that stuff," but that "he's had experiences that have shown him the church is true."

Weirdest sales call ever.