Day 104

History/Background: I'm 29 years old and next month I will be 30. I started porn from the age of 14 and I did try to leave it for 2 months in 2022 but I fail after 60 days by relapsing. Last year on June 1st 2023 after I masturbated to a erotic manhwa or you can say comic after that my dick loses the erection otherwise normally the erection still remains for a while and next morning I do get M.W.

After checking online I get to know about PIED and within a week I visited the urologist and said to him do I have PIED? And I told him that I watched a lot of porn and other porn substitute but even though he doesn't know what PIED is, he said yes. He said to live the same way I'm living including watching porn if I want to and prescribe me medicine. The medicine didn't help as expected except it helps in my M.W but for 6 months till December I was playing video games, sleeping late and eating junk food sometimes and to cope with withdrawal because there are times when I crave for porn I go to read erotic novel but I don't masturbate and I think I was edging. In between I did relapse one time in September.

Present state: On January 17 of this year I decided to start my nofap streak in the way it should be. On January 19 I joined a gym and start working out. Today is 103rd day from January 19 of nofap. On day 1 or 2 I experienced a flatline and I'm still in flatline but this flatline was different than the last time which happen in June 2023 because at that time I was complete indifferent to opposite sex. But this time I do feel attracted to them in flatline.

In the start my dick was shrivel and in the skin and small but after 1.5 months or 2 it is still down but now it is not small or in the skin all time and a bit alive or a bit of growth like reaching 1st finger size while down. I don't know how to explain but those who has experience will know I can only say this. I'm on hardmode ( I don't do PMO). If I want to masturbate my dick won't get hard by myself still now. Should I stop using my mobile phone completely to heal my flatline and my PIED? Now I'm on third day of not using it. If I were to say I only use it to watch reaction videos or comedy videos or religious videos within 2 hours timeframe.

I do need everyone's help and advice to get out of flatline and recover. Sorry for the English. Sorry for the long post.