My partner (29) and I (25) have been together officially for 5 months, everything is mostly perfect, we are LDR but make it work and visit each other frequently, our relationship is really strong and we communicate about everything. He tells me that I’m the girl he wants to marry and build a life with.

There’s just one thing I’m finding it hard to speak with him about; his ED, I don’t want to hurt him or make things worse for him in his mind but lately I’ve really been taking it personally, even though he has reassured me it’s not.

At the start of the relationship it wasn’t like this, he would get hard instantly and he’d jump me any chance that he got. Our chemistry was through the roof and i had no doubts whatsoever that he was into me.

He’s always taken a bit longer to climax, and during foreplay I’d pretty much have to death grip/ go as fast as possible to make it pleasurable for him.

I started noticing that he’d get soft mid way through, i let it go and thought it could just be stress, but now it’s at the point where when even though he initiates, there’s just nothing.

We left it for so long of not saying anything and just pretending like it wasn’t happening. I did countless research and everything that came up was porn addiction etc. I finally snapped and had to speak with him about it,

I know it frustrates him, we have spoken about it, he’s assured me that it has nothing to do with me and that is psychological from past experiences, that porn doesn’t even get him going half of the time etc.

But I just can’t shake this feeling I have of being unworthy, disgusting and useless. Like anything I do is just pointless at this point, I have never felt so ugly and unwanted as I have been feeling.. i feel he is not attracted to me at all anymore.

I have tried my hardest to be understanding and beside him through this, but I just don’t know how else I can be there for him through this? I have never dealt with anything like this before,

I reassure him constantly everytime it happens that I love him and that I don’t mind and sex is not everything etc.. I lay with him and give him cuddles and kisses afterwards, I’ll admit a couple of times recently I have got frustrated and run to the bathroom to cry so he didn’t see, but he probably could sense how I was feeling. But I’ve tried to remain positive and assuring to the best of my ability through it all. I’m just at a loss now.

I know it’s stupid of me to internalise it as he has assured me that it’s not me, and it will only make things worse for him if I speak any more about it, which is why I’m scared to talk further about this and why I’m coming to reddit; so I guess I’m coming on here to see if anyone has had past experiences like this? What has helped? How have you gone about conversations regarding this?

I really love this man more than anything and I want to make this work and build a future with him. Sex is such an important part of a relationship to me, and I want to have that connection with him again so so bad.