Was requested to make an update, so I'm making this post.

I hurt myself at the gym last Friday, felt a pop in the base of my penis, and developed urination and excretory issues, along with some pain, numbness, and lack of erections, other than very weak ones in the morning. I was unable to clench my rectum, or use the muscles to force blood into my penis or stop urinating. When i finished urinating and went to move away, more urine would fall out.

The full post is still on my profile.

Following that, I went to the ultrasound, and had a full ultrasound done on my pelvic floor, lower abdomen, and penis again. They found no internal bulges, breaks, damage, or strains, but informed me that they could not detect ligaments properly due to the area. They suggested that an MRI would be the best option, and I booked a urologist appointment for today.

This morning, I awoke with a 60% erection that vanished rather quickly, but did point up, rather than straight down. It didn't point straight to my belly, as normal, though.

The urologist examined me and noted more of a gap between my pubic bone and the penis, and recommended an MRI. He informed me that trauma to the penis or pelvic floor can lead to erectile dysfunction and urinary issues, and believed that I could have partially or fully torn my suspensory ligament, which is why he recommended the MRI. He informed me that in the partial case, I would likely have to wait to heal, as they don't operate on that, but in the full case, an operation would fix the issue.

At this point, I now have to book an MRI.

I am able to feel more sensation on the penis than I did, and am able to have very brief erections, but they're not as big or hard as they were before. About 80%. The erection goes pretty quickly if I don't touch it.

So, there's been an improvement. The urologist emphasised that I should keep my head in a good space about this, as a lot of it is psychological. I will make another update post in about a week-week and a half depending on MRI and radiologist availability.

If anyone's had similar symptoms or experiences, don't hesitate to reach out.