I've (21 m) recently started dating a girl I really like. And we've had some king of intimacy a few times now. She knows I'm not comfortable with being touched, but i'm still not 100% comfortable talking about my ed with her.

The point is, we've tried her touching me, but I just pull back my body. It's like too much for me for some reason. And it's happened before.

I've had ED for a couple years now I would say, nothing worked. And I have a doctor appointment again in about a month. I still don't know if there's a physical problem, but I now know there's a psychological problem for sure.

I want to go to a sex therapist or something, but I just can't seem to find one here in my area that I can afford, as the one's I've found are 100€ a session. And that's just too much.

Would a normal therapist work?

I don't really know what to do. I know I can't keep dragging this forever. And she is a good person, and wants to help, but I just feel so shitty knowing I can't do the most fkn basic thing a man is supposed to do, and something that is not even voluntary.