Entwives: For the Women of the trees

r/entwives124.3K subscribers13 active
UPDATE! Donate to Kara pay medical bills and care for her son, organized by Sharon BendoskiSupport

Yay for us! We have now raised $5,979 for our friend Kara (a.k.a Hippie)! Huge thank you.

The chemo is slowing the wicked C down and she is having a bit more energy and enjoying life a bit more.

Let's all keep up the good vibes, prayers, sharing humor and whatever you can do to ease this journey for her. Let's help her kick Cancer with a smile and a bit less financial stress where we can.

Thanks so much everyone!

What’s your womanly smoking pet peeve?Discussion

I’ve been thinking about how women smokers have a different experience entirely than men. My biggest pet peeve is when people seem to think women just can’t smoke for some reason? Or that people think a smoker should look a specific type of way. Like no, I will be walking into the dispo with my Care Bear’s shirt and some sparkly crocs, thank you very much!

by lavuenderluvrSmoker
The weed gods have shown on me todayStash

I went to the dispo to get an oz. It came out more expensive than I thought. Then when being rung up the guy told me there was a sale on them! So I ended up with my oz & saved $40!

Toke & Tidy TuesdayCannabis Adjacent

Hippie is getting her butt kicked by chemo this week and asked me to post for her. Send up some good vibes and comforting, healing thoughts in the vapor or smoke of your next session.

How is everyone this fine Tuesday? Ready to Toke & Tidy? First remember get some 💦 into your beautiful selves! Take 💊 🌬️ if you have them. Have 👕👖🧦 that needs washing, folding, putting away? It's a drag but keep it moving along. How about grab a cup ☕ or tea or whatever your beverage of choice is? How about a little bite to eat? I had my usual nine grain toast and breakfast blend cold brew. I'm all set and hope you are too! Let's do this!

Toke & Tidy or Task is about holding each other accountable for getting shit done. We share our goals for the day and toke and report back as we go. Sounds fun right? It's more fun than getting shit done without it! 😎

For each task completed or started or in progress for specific amount of time (say 2 hrs of organizing office for example), we reward ourselves with a little toke (or however you consume) of our fav plant and a few minutes of check-in time here. Just get a dopomine hit from reading and commenting or give us a little update on your progress.

I don't have much tidying to do today but do have these tasks. ✅ Wash my RAV4 Inside and out. I've got to get the mud splatters flung all over the inside from my dog's muddy tail three weeks ago! ✅ Wash the dog sheets from his indoor couch and RAV ✅ Return item to Kohls ✅ Pick up a script ✅ Buy more coffee beans

Now for a bit of fun and entertainment. Tell us something about your weed rituals. Have any? Are they daily? How many times a day? What devices do you use? Do you have a specific place you consume? I love pics of places you consume, where you stash the green, accessories and of course the animal company around you both domestic and wild.

I use almost exclusively flower. I enjoy the ritual of getting down my stash from the top shelf of my closet, looking it over and deciding which strain (when I have enough choices that is), pulling out the jar or bag, giving it a nice sniff, grinding it, loading it into one of my vaporizers or into a dosage pod. I add new cold as I can get it water and ice to my Jong and settle down in a comfy place At night time the ritual also includes cleaning the vapirizor and the bong. I use alchohol rinse every day and salt once a week.

Generally I try to meditate a few minutes either while I'm partaking or right after. If I'm not doing that I'm most likely hanging here.

That's it from me. Let's get some shit done! While we're getting the shit done, let's do our best to keep a smile on our faces, a song and kind words coming out our mouths, peace in our hearts, compassion in our souls. (On the days I can't make this happen organically, my motto is bite my tongue and "fake it till I make it!" 😁😃)

Reminder about our Wednesday Promotion PostMod Post

On Wednesdays we have a Promotional Post for our artists, makers, content creators. Anyone in the sub who has something they want to promote is welcome to come, tell us about it, link to their shops and content. We want to hear all about what you have going on!

Every time I see an entwives post…Stoner Moment

I think, “oh yeah, I want to smo- oh, I have a joint in my hand!”

It just happened and I thought, I can’t be the only one that does this lol

Vent: job market is fucking brutal Rant

I’m sure I’m not the only one and I know everyone who’s looking for a job is having a hard time… but I feel like after applying to 100+jobs with hardly any interview requests, I’m getting so discouraged and feel like I won’t be able to find a job in my field.

Im just frustrated and after another day of applying I’m just hoping that something will work out 🤞

if anyone else in similar position, or have a tip for getting a job, share your good lucks with me please🙏

Well girlies it’s official: I have COVID while on vacationNot Cannabis Related

This kinda sucks but also isn’t so bad at the same time but it does really suck that I have COVID, if you can’t tell I’m really high rn lol

What’s a cute saying?Advice

I’m decorating lighters for my sister and mom. But I can’t decide what to put on my sisters so I figure no other place then here with the entwives to ask.

For example, my moms says “sativa diva” something cute like that.

Thanks!! 😊🪴

Feeling sad and overwhelmedSupport

Spent most of yesterday and today crying. and i just found some charges on my card I wasn't expecting (thanks to ex using my card to pay for YouTubetv) so now I'm even further behind financially then I thought. And I tried to like dump some of these emotions on my dad, told him I'm scared I'll never be a mom cause I'm already 34 and have to start over, and he just got overwhelmed and blurted "thats between you and your Dr" so I apologized and clammed up. But damn, I just can't really get over these emotions right now. I wanna hide from them. I don't want this. Weed helped a bit last night, I haven't smoked yet today, so maybe when I do it'll help some. But I'm just so freaking sad and overwhelmed by everything. And I feel guilty for even posting this, but I feel like I'm at a tipping point and need a bit of support. I'm sorry. Edit: thank yall so much, the tears have stopped and I feel a bit more emotionally even. I truly appreciate you all, thank you

few days of feeling prettySelf Care
  • Saturday dress

  • painted my nails

  • Saturday night set up for CSI: Las Vegas

  • Sunday dress

  • enjoying the outdoors

  • look! i'm blowing out clouds lol

Weed Haiku’s 🌿 do you have one?Art

This is mine:

I love my green friend.

Mary Jane is a free soul,

she inspires me.

~ me :p

I pass the mic to you my friend 🎤