When I was maybe 6 or 7 years old, my stepmom married my dad. She hired a wedding photographer who did an amazing job. Stayed for the entire wedding which was WELL over 10 hours.

My stepmom paid this poor girl $50 afterwards because "She's just a kid. She doesn't get more than that." The girl was really nice too. I don't remember much else but we still have the photos and they're amazing. I hope that girl made a fuss about it and got more money because thats ridiculous.

This is a short post but I just remembered this and I had to share it. Please don't be like my stepmom. Pay artists fairly.

Bonus Story: My stepmom once went up to a group of teenagers in a grocery store and started harassing them for being...well...teenagers. She said something along the lines of "Would you talk like that in front of your parents?" And one of them went "Uh, my parents are dead." Instead of backing off my stepmom DOUBLED DOWN! Ugh lol