So for some backstory basically my mom and stepdad HATE games and all of that and are absolute control freaks and I play games just to talk to friends I can’t see much. Now what took place recently is that out of the blue one day, they decided to take me to a neurologist even though I had lectures and they told me “the college wanted me to go to there” (even though I didn’t buy the story at all) and then when we got there I asked “Why is the college making me do this again?” And they said they didn’t at all make me go here and that’s when I knew something was up (since the info they were telling me was going against one another) and I said “I thought the college told me to go here?” And then the neurologist walked in and called for me and after doing some tests and everything it turns out it was all about my screens the whole time (even though I’m hardly even on them) and next thing I know I’m having everything taken and then next thing I know, I can’t see my friends for 2 months and then I get my stuff back and I’m getting my Wi-Fi (WHICH I PAY FOR!!) being restricted along with my TV being restricted by a weird wood box thing that the TV cord leads to and I figure out that the box controls the power to the TV and the only way I can get the tv cord out of the box is with a Phillips head screwdriver (which I don’t have) and I don’t live on campus since I just don’t like how small it is in the dorms so I live at home for now but when I get back from college for the weekend I notice all my electronics except for my phone and laptop are missing (since I had my phone and laptop with me) and I go to ask where the hell my stuff is and they tell me to look in the office and there’s my stuff all plugged in and I ask why the hell my stuff was moved and they say because I was on it last night (Even though I definitely wasn’t for a fact) and I say bullshit and they can even check my profile on steam to see when I was last on (since I have 2 accounts I play on and I was on one the other day) and they said I was lying and that my stuff isn’t going back in my room no matter what so now I can’t even have any privacy anymore it seems. I hate my parents…