I’ve had derealisation since 20th march I had smoked weed on February 24th and felt a bit weird after as I was very anxious while smoking so only did half(it was 1gram).I go home and try to sleep and couldn’t because I was so anxious so I forgot to hide the vid of me smoking off my phone and my parents find out. And just feel anxious again.But they think it’s a cigarette not weed and I don’t want to open up and tell them it’s weed and feel scared just thinking about it.My dad knows I have derealisation but thinks it’s from high amounts of anxiety I had as akid and my stress was high. I think my derealisation got triggered because of the anxiety I got from smoking and not actually from the weed as this is also the first time smoking I am 14 however. Has any1 got any tips on how to ‘feel normal again’ and if I can.