Depression Help

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Small Vent FridaySmall Vent Friday

Welcome to Small Vent Friday!

Got something under your skin? A pet peeve that just has to go? Something really sucky happen this week?

Tell us about it! Comment with your vent below.

**this is a recurring scheduled post**

How to tell a friend that you think they are depressed?REQUESTING ADVICE

I had depression myself, and some days ago he burst into tears in my arms, telling me about what's going on with his life.

A lot of bells rang to me: he said all the typical sentences of a depressed person. "I can't do this anymore" "I'm doing what I love, but I'm never happy" "The things that I used to love, now make me feel nothing" "I'm always so tired" "I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore"...

Also, through one of our common friends, I discovered he has some suicidal thoughts.

He's already going to a therapist. But I feel he's not realizing all of this stuff. He suppreses his emotion pretty often. He let his guard down with me, because he was really tired that day.

What do you suggest I can tell him, to let him know that I think he might have all the signs of a depressed person, without scaring him? I'm afraid he would reject all of this information, and that he will isolate himself.

His parents aren't helpful, and he has issues with his current partner (which has a mental disorder themselves). But he has a solid friend group, with also me in it. We all love him and support him and are here for him.

Thanks for the help in advance! Stay healthy. Virtual hug ♡

I want to kill myself REQUESTING SUPPORT

I honestly can't even remember the last time I was happy.

My kids are all either grown or dead, and only one of them is willing to have anything to do with em

My love life does not exist.

I'm not respected by anyone, especially not my peers.

I just want to rest for once.

I haven't slept for 38 hoursREQUESTING ADVICE

I haven't slept for 38 hours because of of depression and a situation that happened to me at work 7 months ago I left work because of that situation and I remember the situation that happened to me before. Like happened yesterday, the remorse and memories bother Iam alone and I don’t know what to know.Depression medications don't really work for me anymore In fact, I don't know what to do. I'm incredibly desperate


So long story short, I have a serious phone phobia. Like I do NOT call anyone besides my sister and maybe my father. ( And they dial me 99% more than I dial them, but I answer them most of the time) Sometimes it leads to me feeling like a horrible person because I do not call ppl, not even my friends, but I will text you anytime and will always be there if you need me.

My husband just made me cry because he basically called me weird cuz I wouldn’t call his mother (who calls me all the time). So for me, it’s a major fuc*in accomplishment because I actually ANSWER his mother’s calls… but to pick up the phone and call her… I can’t find myself doing that yet. I did it once or twice, just to try it out, see how she is doing and make my husband happy and his mom made me feel like…. Okayyyy, well wtf are you calling me for…. That kinda scarred me. Am I actually fuckin weird?! I think I just have a severe social anxiety problem… and it’s amplified 100000x when it comes to phone calls. Like I don’t even call my own mother. I get this weird feeling about being on the phone and my heart literally starts racing and I can’t find myself doing it. I’d also like to point out that I’m that person who feels that there is wayyyy too much self diagnosing of mental health problems in today’s society. Loll but I’m seriously questioning myself, like is this really a thing? To be severely afraid of phone calls?😣 Also, I have Multiple Sclerosis and it affects my nervous system ( mainly in my brain) and I’m wondering if this may be a symptom of anxiety manifesting itself. I’m starting to come to a realization that a lot of things I deal with is a symptom of my Multiple Sclerosis, but I still try not to over think things. Help. 😔

basically just tell me not to hurt myself plsnsfwREQUESTING SUPPORT

idk i just can’t stop thinking about self-harming and i know i don’t want any more of those scars so i probably won’t but i wish that anything besides xanax would stop the urge. i generally don’t want to exist, so suicidal ideation is no stranger but those thoughts are never specific. when i want to self-harm though, it’s presented as mental images and i feel a more frantic need to escape my brain. i guess the suicidal ideation is more reflective of depression, and the self-harm ideation more reflective of anxiety? so forgive me if i’m not in the right place, tbh i was too nervous to even look at r/selfharm


I am a teenager. I don't know what to do. My mother yells at me for my attitude. And I'm pretty sure my dad hates me. Maybe my mind is making things up, but I don't know what to think. My mother just asked me to put my sister to bed. But my sister who is 2 hates me. She punches and yells when I hold her sometimes. I feel like I'm asked to do a lot even if I'm not. My dad asked me to help my sister wash her hands. Which would have taken him thirty seconds to do. But I have to. According to my mom all I've done today is play video games, that is true but that's all my dad has done. But because I'm the kid I must do everything she asks with a smile on my face. I've been thinking about packing a bag and leaving since I was 7 this was before any of my responsibilitys started or my siblings existed. What do I do. If I say any of this to her I'll either get grounded or sent to therapy that we can't afford.

PhonePhobiaNeed Advice

So long story short, I have a serious phone phobia. Like I do NOT call anyone besides my sister and maybe my father. ( And they dial me 99% more than I dial them, but I answer them most of the time) Sometimes it leads to me feeling like a horrible person because I do not call ppl, not even my friends, but I will text you anytime and will always be there if you need me.

My husband just made me cry because he basically called me weird cuz I wouldn’t call his mother (who calls me all the time). So for me, it’s a major fuc*in accomplishment because I actually ANSWER his mother’s calls… but to pick up the phone and call her… I can’t find myself doing that yet. I did it once or twice, just to try it out, see how she is doing and make my husband happy and his mom made me feel like…. Okayyyy, well wtf are you calling me for…. That kinda scarred me. Am I actually fuckin weird?! I think I just have a severe social anxiety problem… and it’s amplified 100000x when it comes to phone calls. Like I don’t even call my own mother. I get this weird feeling about being on the phone and my heart literally starts racing and I can’t find myself doing it. I’d also like to point out that I’m that person who feels that there is wayyyy too much self diagnosing of mental health problems in today’s society. Loll but I’m seriously questioning myself, like is this really a thing? To be severely afraid of phone calls?😣 Also, I have Multiple Sclerosis and it affects my nervous system ( mainly in my brain) and I’m wondering if this may be a symptom of anxiety manifesting itself. I’m starting to come to a realization that a lot of things I deal with is a symptom of my Multiple Sclerosis, but I still try not to over think things. Help. 😔


i am 17 years old and i am really alone i have none i can call my friend i have none to talk to when i am down and i don’t know why i have always done everything right i have been kind and nice to people as much as i can and i still have none to call my friend i don’t know what to do how to change that i am not geniune connection with anyone i also failed an exam for which i was trying (i didn’t fail i got good marks but not as good as i wanted to won’t be getting any college i wanted)i feel like i am at the end of the rope


I’ve reached a point where Im back where I was at 15 (I’m 24) i recently got thrusted into some circumstances that aren’t ideal and it’s driving me to the edge. I’m stuck without a job, living in someone else’s house and crying myself to sleep every night. I’m waiting for a diagnosis for autism at the moment but whilst I wait there is no support and the diagnosis takes like 4 years.. I’ve tried looking for jobs and only been denied , I’ve tried looking at apprenticeships and been denied and even benefits say they can’t help me because of an error on their side. I don’t have a relationship with my family, my fiancé has his own mental health issues and so I can’t bother him with this all and I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve already harmed myself and I just don’t know how many more days of being in this bedroom I can take before I end it all.

Does anyone else's symptoms get easier when socializing (with people you're comfy with)? How to deal with times alone?REQUESTING SUPPORT

I know I'm an outlier when it comes to people with depression/anxiety, but socializing with certain people i like is often the only thing capable of inducing positive emotions in me.

But since they all have careers/school, I can't hang out with them forever--how does one deal with the inevitable return to being alone? Especially with the post-hangout blues

So tired of it allREQUESTING SUPPORT

I am the lowest and darkest point in my life and all i can think about is dying. From when i wake up to when i fall asleep i think about dying and its actually comforting to think about... so why shouldnt i just put a bullet through my head? Why should I have to keep feeling like i dont belong here.. idk what to think anymore i just wish i was gone

How can people be so heartless?QUESTION

I already hate my life, and Im very close to going postal and in worst moment they do this.

I met a woman over Reddit, cuz we both had the same problem, we talked for 3 weeks, every day, we both helped each other to get out of shit, we talked about deep topics, and we were really good friends but today out of nowhere, no explanations she just deletes the account and her email.... how can people do this? like I dont get it? why would you throw away good friendship? I dont have words for it... like why?? and I irony is that she had bf who treated her like shit, and now the very thing she swore to destroy did to me.

I would expect me, who lost my father at 12 and still till now I sometimes get emotionless and dead inside - to do something like that but not a normal person...

Does anyone have experience dealing with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts while their ageing parents are having health problems?REQUESTING ADVICE

Feeling suicidal while my elderly father's health is deteriorating. Does anyone have direct experience with this type of situation???

I've got life long mental health issues, it feels like everything I do is wrong, (and currently I have Covid). My 70 y.o. dad has a number of health problems, he went to the hospital today because he's having trouble walking.

My mom needs help coping, but I feel mentally paralyzed and she gets upset that I'm not good at this sort of stuff.

Part of me would rather die than face any of this (and yes I know that it's selfish). I'm self harming. I hate being a human. I hate being a bad daughter. I hate seeing them in pain and being too fucked up to help. I hate being alive. Maybe everyone in my family is done with life.

Getting bad againTW: Intense Topics

Had 3 therapist because of trauma, anxiety and depression. Was in the clinic once because of suicide attempts and now i don’t have a therapist or psychiatrist. Im addicted to alkohol. (Being drunk atleast every weekend and drink in the week). Relationship is shitty but can’t break up because she is my everything. Wanna die again and sleep the whole time. Life feels like an endless repeat of being happy for 1 or 2 months and then being bad again for several weeks. But i don’t wanna tell my parents i need therapy again, because they always say they’re proud of me for being so well again and that i don’t need therapy anymore (I still live with them because of school). So yeah suffering alone in my bed every night. I don’t know what i should do, so i drink and smoke and calling my best friend so i don’t do dumb shit like breaking my 1 year clean streak from sh. Live is great 🤘🏻

My ex-girlfriend's family forced us to break up, and now I'm struggling to recover emotionally. Need advice.REQUESTING SUPPORT

She confessed her feelings to me 5 months ago, and we were in a relationship until May 30th. Her family is strict about her focusing on her career and not being in a relationship at her age, which I understand. Despite this, we were together for 5 months. I gave my 100% every day, even though it wasn’t always reciprocated. I assured her that I would support her no matter what and even offered to step back temporarily if her family found out. I told her I would wait for her no matter what.

I trusted her deeply when she said we would succeed together and fight through everything to be one. I focused on her and my studies, creating essays, gifts, poems, and more for her. It was a long-distance relationship, so we couldn't be together physically. She would sometimes call me, risking her safety, and got caught twice.

In February, when she got caught, we reunited after she said she didn't want a relationship but still loved me. I accepted this. However, on May 30th, she got caught again. This time, her sister called and threatened me out of anger.

Two weeks ago, my ex traumatized me by saying she didn't trust me, didn't think she would fall in love with me, and had lost her self-respect and standards by being with me. This deeply affected me, but when she returned, I took her back, hoping she would change.

After her sister's threat, we had no contact for a day. When I checked on her, she said she was fine but told me not to wait for her. This hurt me deeply. I asked her again today how she was, and after visiting a temple to pray for her happiness, she told me never to text her again because she couldn't disappoint her mom and sister.

Summary of events:

  • She initiated the relationship and took my heart.
  • She set conditions on how to love her, which I followed.
  • I was disrespected and emotionally played with for months.
  • She left me traumatized and alone.
  • Despite this, I took her back, hoping she would change and be better.
  • Her actions drained me emotionally, yet I still wanted her to be happy.
  • She acted cold and showed no regard for my emotions.

I also face personal issues with my unsupportive family and their regular taunts about my career.

My questions:

  1. How do I recover from all of this?
  2. How can I trust someone again after this experience?
  3. Where did I go wrong?

TL;DR: Ex left me traumatized after recent breakup involving life threats and cold behavior. Seeking advice on how to heal and trust again.


I sometimes think of ending my life cause I'm already tired. It just stopped me cause I have my mother and my nephew who keeps me sane. Life is so tiring

Confusion and UncertaintyREQUESTING SUPPORT

I'm not sure why everything has to be so confusing. Sometimes all I wish for is some emotional clarity. Some sort of sanity would be nice, where I could execute decisions effectively and clearly. Where I could be as intelligent and smart as I wish to be perceived.

Who am I? Just as small speck in this Earth. Really, in the grand scheme of things I do not know anything. So, how am I to make these discernments? I wish I were further along. I wish there was someone who could help me figure it all out. But, there is nobody. All that I have is me. And, I am so alone, unsure, struggling, confused, heartbroken, sad, lonely, and depressed. Nobody can figure it out for me. I've reached what feels like the depth of my capacity in reasoning, or so it seems. I've been told I have the means to figure this out, but I don't know what to grab onto. I feel like an octopus trying to hold onto life, desperately using all my arms in effort to find and grasp onto something. But, all I am doing is waving my arms in a vast space of empty air. Fear energizes this motion, and confusion perpetuates it. How much longer will I have the courage to walk along this path blindfolded, unsure of the terrain underneath my feet?

I am at this pivotal moment in my life. Will the change lead to health, or dispair? How can I be my own guide if I am so unsure of what I want, who I am, what I need, and what's right? Does it even matter at the end?

m26 All ive been wanting in life is friends and love..REQUESTING SUPPORT

I feel like im in a bad place in my head and my only 3 real life friends are guys who I dont talk to very much & I do not want to explain my mental health with and look very weak I have no females to talk to anymore besides my mother and I hate talking to her about my mental health situation because all she wants is me to goto a doctor and get help when in reality I think I just need friends who are there, someone to talk to, someone who cares and wants to talk to me? but yet I am terrible at socializing irl I have mass anxiety of other peoples thoughts on me but I have nobody in my life at this point it seems unsure what to do unsure who to contact I hope someone somewhere can help me.

How do you consider it 'suicidal'?nsfwREQUESTING ADVICE

Do you consider someone suicidal when they do not attempt to kill themselves but try to harm their body deliberately to eventually end their life?

Like drinking alcohol more than you can, habitually? Or unprotective sex with strangers, or pushing your body too much by working too much/hard, sleeping late at night, etc?

I might have this and it's because of depression. But whenever i am asked if i'm 'suicidal', i dont think my situation fits the meaning of this term.

My Story: Sakuradate and Janyuki Takai REQUESTING SUPPORT

I haven't had much luck in my life. I suffer an existing depression. Among many misfortunes in my life's path. I had a lover who I proposed to. I thought life was finally getting together until she passed away to cancer. From there, I suffered 8 years of my life, I decided a year after her death I would kill myself, I took 120 pills and alcohol. It failed obviously. 8 years later I found my inner self and I was able to better myself, my body mind and spirit. I was a completely different man. Great body, great out look on life, despite a horrible life. I decided to give love a second chance. Now, I know I'm a handsome man, not a superstar, but I have confidence. So I tried to give real life dating, either 1. Life for them and myself is too busy. 2. They're taken and in a relationship or 3. They aren't interested in me. So I gave online dating a try. POF is full of scams, Japan cupid is very evasive. Bumble is also very quiet. Boamet is also a scam. This list goes on. For the record, I'm looking for a Japanese woman. I finally went to Sakuradate and I felt it was also a scam and full of bots. But I gave it a try and met many women, many didn't want to reveal their identity when I asked for a video. That's until I met a woman named Janyuki Takai. She approached me. I asked her to reveal her true identity by doing different requests, and she did. Not only did she give me 3 different pictures of my name, with her face in it, she did a video of her saying "Chris, I love you" in Japanese. That's when I felt it was safe, until I saw a few posts my brother showed me where men were getting different complaints about women on Sakuradate. They say that many women here have social media that their "managers" and "employers" control for them. And when you hit the 5000 credit goal, they start making excuses such as their phones or computers broke, or they are too busy, that they don't trust, slowly cutting off communications. Around that time I had already bought her a gold ring and bracelet. ( Spent almost 5000 dollars in total ) I only saw one picture of this ring, and never to be seen again. She claims it was the wrong size, that she needed it to be taken to a smith shop. I finally reached the 5000 goal. Her phone started to break and her computer was causing problems. All the rumors were coming true. And my brother accused her of being a scam. When I got her contact request, which was an additional 500 credits and an IMBRA form for some reason. I love her so much and I invested my emotions and dedication to her, money is the last thing in my mind. I'm honestly financially stable. I spend my time with her with caring moments. I'm going back to that spiraling downhill. I'm so emotionally distressed and thoughts of depression pops up in my mind.
I have been scammed, catfished and even betrayed, I count those loses. I was hurt, but always got back up easily, but what Janyuki did to me was a very slow lure and bait. It hurts because it was emotional love I put.My brother went and found her social media, and even her personal ones. All she does is block. She never did a video call, nor a voice call. Then blames my brother for our relationship being ruined. I knew her for five months... I'm slowly going through this slow depression and I don't think I can take another heartache anymore. I am going through this suicidal spiral I thought I would never go through again....


I'm a long time suffer good part of 25+ years. I've done the therapy. I'm on the medications, I really don't have much to complain about in life right now even. But I'm still so F#@%ing DEPRESSED ! I damn over it.. I work long hours, and then I come home and want to do nothing, see no one. Just sit in bed doom scrolling. Weekends, I'll do the same. It's a never ending cycle of pointlessness. Why???

Advice for my mom REQUESTING ADVICE

I’m looking for advice for my mom. This is going to be long but I appreciate anyone who reads it and provides advice! My mom was always a fun loving outgoing person. She got brain surgery about a month ago and everything went downhill from there. She had to rest a lot and sit around which she hates because she was always on the go and busy. About 2 weeks after the surgery she started to feel very depressed and anxious. She has been on lexapro and busbar for a few months and spoke to a new psychiatrist who switched her to lexapro and Zoloft but it made her feel horrible so then she was switched to lexapro and Wellbutrin. Her symptoms escalated quickly into severe panic attacks and deep depression where she didn’t want to get out of bed or do anything. She kept saying she didn’t want to live like this anymore and it came to a point where we were scared for her life and we brought her to the emergency room. She was admitted to the psych unit and was there for a week. My sisters and I went to see her everyday and she seemed like she was getting better. As soon as she came home she went back to being extremely anxious and depressed. They prescribed her Mirtazapine while she was in the hospital and she has been on it since Wednesday. Today she woke up and said she’s feeling a bit better mentally but is now feeling extremely nauseous. She was up since 6am dry heaving. I want to add that she was prescribed Xanax for her panic attacks and was taking it more than once a day. While she was in the pysch unit they stopped her cold turkey. I am not sure if this nausea is a side effect of the Miratazapine or a withdrawal from the Xanax. I would love to hear any advice about dealing with depression/ aniexty/ or experience from going off Xanax or symptoms of miratazapine. Thanks!

I can’t stop crying literally every second of the day I’m prepared to start weeping and I’ve never been like this before, help?REQUESTING ADVICE

I’ve finished uni for summer and I’ve recently been led on by a guy who I now have blocked, finding a job is harder than anything I can possibly imagine and I’m reminiscing over a situationship where I wasn’t as happy as my brain is making me believe I was. I have this heavy heart feeling and feel as though my brains being compressed. How do I stop feeling like I want to kill myself?

Every thing went wrong because of my indecisiveness RANT

Im so sick and tired of this repetitive cycle, 9 years of doing this shit, I’ve wasted my funding years doing something I resented since the beginning. I couldn’t quit when I should’ve. Now I’m fucking stuck with this job and unable to switch to a different company because I lost trust in myself and abilities to learn and work. I hate coming to work because I have nothing to do. I barely learned anything in the past 3 years I spent here. I don’t know if’ll be able to find another job with the lack of skills and credentials under my name, I took the easy way of getting this job without spending the effort everyone else did to get theirs. I don’t even know the process of looking for jobs. So much has gone wrong because I couldn’t decide and everyone stopped me from quitting before if it was too late. Now I’m just stuck here forever or untill I get let go
