Dead Rising

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I finally did it!
  • The face of a broken man.

Im seriously hoping DRDR does well to warrent a remake of DR2

I havent played the original deadrising way back when, i have played deadrising 2 as a kid though. I was definetly frightened by the zombies at first but grew to love the game.

Im honestly hoping this remake does well & plan on getting it, i want there to be a high chance of DR2 getting its own remake with case 0, case west & off the record being included in the remake

What are Your Thoughts on Guns in the Series?

Like I realize Guns in Dead Rising are absolutely a secondary focus in these games. (Chop till you drop aside) the Mall is your weapon, the guns are just an extension of that though despite that I've always loved using them. Even though stuff like Handguns are honestly pretty useless (Especially in DR1, at least in 2 you can aim and move.)

in DR 1 the Guns were more of short term situational weapons, the shotgun was great but if you wanted more of them you have to fight a boss to get more, and the late game assault rifle was useful but not so much against the soldiers that also welded it

DR3 let you get abuse Guns a lot and while that really kills a lot of the balance, I'd be lying if I said it running down a street with 7 Assault rifles in my inventory wasn't incredibly fun.

I admit one thing I would like in DRDR is I do wish Frank would reload the Guns.

Like if a pistol you pick up has 30 rounds, on the 15th shot have Frank do a clumsy reload animation.

Fairly certain that won't happen, that's just a wish of mine.