He said that because he paid for all of our dates, I had nothing to offer him.

Now, let it be known I could afford to pay for every single date we went on & even offered at times but he always insisted on paying so I let him.

We both had our own apartments, cars, and jobs & he didn’t pay any of my bills. I’m stable all on my own.

When we hung out, we went out on dates or stayed in and watched TV, talked, cuddled, and had sex. (We stayed in more than we went out)

He has asked me to cook for him which I only did like twice but I don’t really like cooking so I didn’t do it any more times than that but I did buy and bring him food often which he said he appreciated.

But I guess I’m just confused on what he meant by “I have nothing to offer him except sex”. Like technically isn’t that what most relationships have to offer? Spending time together & being intimate?

I don’t feel like he offered ME much more than sex either but I didn’t complain about it because I feel like that’s what a relationship is. We both had our own lives to live but when we had free time, we came together to relax, be loving, and intimate.

What do you feel a partner should have to offer besides quality time & intimacy?