My wife and I have a three month old daughter (our first). I have been back at work after being off for 6 weeks, and taking the remainder of my paternity intermittently throughout the rest of this year.

My wife is a stay at home mom, and before tonight, I thought that's what she wanted/she could handle it.

So, this evening my wife was telling me how particularly difficult today was. Wife had a medical appointment and obviously took our daughter. Baby girl cried all the way there, and was fussy throughout the entire appointment. Leading my wife to breakout in stress sweats and being mean to herself about her ability to soothe our baby.

She then lets me know that because of how the day went she is feeling distant from our baby girl (I get it, some days are more than others and you gotta take some space).

But that was just the beginning of the flood. Wife then broke down over how she is feeling like she is putting herself last constantly (not showering frequently, neglecting to brush her teeth, feeling tired, and like her mental health is really really low) and that this state is already becoming a predicted thing of if and when we have a second child.

I am at work 8 hours a day, I cannot be there at all times to give her a reprieve for a shower or whatever. She says she is feeling spread thin, but I tell her she does enough around the house and is a fantastic mother.

How can I support her?

Edit: she was talking at one point "do you think I need to take something?" I'm not anti-medication, but a pill isn't going to give her the extra time of day she is looking for/needing.