Currently 31 weeks pregnant- and my husband has shown zero interest in wanting to learn about babies and newborns. He’s fully convinced he is just going to “wing it” and he says he’s “fully confident in his abilities” While I don’t doubt my husband will be a great father- he is absolutely clueless when it comes to babies. He’s never really been around a baby, nor even held a newborn that I can recall. So our baby will really be his first experience with any baby at all.

I mentioned tummy time and he said “I don’t know what that is”

Or another instance- I mentioned we should look into getting a bottle sterilizer since we don’t have a dishwasher and his response was “wait-we need to sterilize them?”

Another time when I was talking about getting a breast pump and what kind to get, he said “how is there’s more than one kind?”

He also didn’t know that babies can’t have anything in their crib when they’re sleeping.

Again- I don’t doubt my husband will be a great father. He would die protecting his family and I know he’ll love our little girl with his last breath - But he shows very little knowledge about babies and even less interest in learning or educating himself. He’s been extremely supportive this whole pregnancy and a great partner, but this whole “wing it” mind set is making me feel like I’m going to be 100% responsible for teaching him everything or doing everything. When we come home with our little girl I want to feel like I can rely on him to help. I don’t want to feel like I’m not able to take time to heal because he has quite literally no clue what he’s doing without me walking him through everything.

I understand there’s a LOT of aspects of parenting that are totally just learning as you go and figuring it out. However, he literally doesn’t even know the basics of what a baby needs. I want to feel like our baby is safe with him and he knows what to do if I’m asleep, trying to shower or something like that where he’s in full responsibility of our baby at that time.

How can I get him to understand that this is important to me that he learns and it’s a serious subject he needs to educate himself on just a bit more?