Hello. I currently use an android 11 os. About a few months ago I noticed strange activity on my phone. I checked the security of the device it was red. I tried to update it said it was up to date but says the last update was 9/1/2022 which I found odd so I couldn't update it. I've observed apps opening randomly and scrolling through them sometimes and clicking random notifications as if someone was remotely controlling my phone! Even closing out applications before I'd be done with them like emails FB etc. I was also receiving phishing text messages that I would block and mark as spam. Such as settle your parking ticket at the link below and blah blah. Or saying I had a warrant and stuff.

So I paid for bitdefender and got a free version of Malwarebytes. This didn't detect anything and didn't stop the odd behavior. After a few more weeks the behavior became more noticable. When I would run manual scans the apps would close out and stop scanning sometimes. I determined this odd activity was mostly prominent between 10pm-12pm CST/CDT (about a 14 hour period).

After more research and consideration I decided to do a hard reset on my phone. I noticed when I was promoted to accept resetting my phone that there was 2 Facebook applications and 2 reddit applications that it said the accounts would be completely removed. One Facebook application was just the icon with a bunch of numbers. The other said "Facebook".

Anyway after the reset I thought I was good. But less then 24 hours later this activity began again. Randomly I got notified "live view is on"?? Then Amazon opened up and my notifications for messages among other things were being gone through again with apps opening and closing as if someone was reading my messages plus notifications before closing out apps and opening new apps. And messing with my defensive software settings.

So I don't know what to do? Am I hacked? Why wouldn't the reset fix this problem? Why doesn't the malware defense software pick up on any malware?! How do I make it stop?
